FILED: February 28, 2006
for the
Fourth Circuit
06-1234 Patriot v. US
This appeal was docketed on 2/27/06. The six-digit docket number appearing above shall be placed prominently on every paper filed by any party to this appeal, as well as on all correspondence addressed to the Court.
Pursuant to Local Rule 34(b), this case informal briefs. The informal briefing form briefs shall be mailed to the Court no later dates: shall be submitted on is attached. Informal than the following
Appellant's Brief (original and one copy) 3/24/06
If appellant fails to file a brief, the appeal will be subject to dismissal for failure to prosecute, pursuant to Local Rule 45.
The Court will not consider issues which are not specifically raised in appellant's informal brief. The Court can impose sanc¬tions for frivolous appeals. Sanctions may include monetary penalties and a ban on future filings.
If a transcript is necessary for consideration of an issue, appellant must order the transcript. Appellants who qualify to proceed without prepayment of fees and costs may apply for prep¬aration of the transcript at government expense. A motion for transcript at government expense should be filed in the district court in the first instance.
The Court obtains the record from the district court in informally briefed cases. Therefore, no appendix is necessary.
Extensions of briefing deadlines are not favored by the Court and are granted only for good cause stated in writing. Requests for extensions must be received by the Court before the expiration of the deadline.
1. Jurisdiction (for appellants/petitioners only)
A. Name of the court or agency from which review is sought:
B. Date(s) of the order or orders for which review is sought:
2. Timeliness of notice of appeal or petition for review (for prisoners only)
Exact date on which notice of appeal or petition for review was placed in institution's
internal mailing system for maililng to court:
3. Issues for Review
Issue 1.
Supporting Facts and Argument.
Issue 2.
Supporting Facts and Argument.
Issue 3.
Supporting Facts and Argument.
Issue 4.
Supporting Facts and Argument.
4. Relief Requested
Identify the precise action you want the Court of Appeals to take:
5. Prior appeals (for appellants only)
A. Have you filed other cases in this court? (Yes_____ No_____)
B. If you check YES, what are the case names and docket numbers for those appeals
and what was the ultimate disposition of each?
Signature (Notarization not required)
(Please print your name here)
I certify that on _______________ I served a complete copy of this Informal Brief on all parties, addressed as shown below:
______________________________ Signature