Michael Freeman
833 Rice Road
Spartanburg, SC 29303
May 2, 2007
Ronald Urban
Chief Counsel for Litigation
301 Gervais St, PO Box 12265
Columbia, SC 29211
RE: Michael Freemna v DOR; Docket No. 12-ALJ-34-5678-CC
Mr. Urban,
Thank you for your letter dated April 19, 2007.
The records clearly reflect that I have more withholding than the maximum applicable state income tax due for that year. I know a refund is not possible but I am entitled to an offset as you have stated.
No matter what the other documents show, they cannot show a tax due greater than the withholding. Therefore this case is moot. Please file with the AL Court the necessary motions.
If not, I will file a motion for Summary Judgment and ask the Judge to make you pay my attorney fees.
Michael Freeman