Anonymous Taxpayer,                        )
(Michael Patriot)                          )         Docket No. 06-ALJ-17-0000-xx
Petitioner,                                ) 
   Vs.                                     )        OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO 
                                           )         COMPEL ADMISSIONS
South Carolina Department                  )
Of Revenue                                 )
Respondent.                                )

Petitioner hereby files his opposition to DORs Notice and Motion to Determine Sufficiency of Response to Request for Admissions dated Dec 20, 2006 for tax year 1999.

  1. Counsel for DOR is a learned lawyer very familiar with the Tax Administrative Law. Taxpayer is a working man with a limited education. DOR’s lawyer is taking advantage of taxpayer who has limited resources.

Taxpayer filed his responses to Discovery on time and did the best he could. Taxpayer requests a hearing on Respondent’s motion. Further taxpayer requests an out of court settlement and waiver of penalties.

  1. Taxpayer denies each and every admission of DOR and does not have enough information available to him to make any more admissions than he already has. The income figures used by DOR do not appear to be valid and taxpayer may be a victim of identity of theft by illegal aliens.

At my place of employment, this is a frequent occurrence which creates problems for my co-workers.

  1. Taxpayer is a pro se litigant, and does not have the expertise to make telephone calls to experienced and tough Counsel for DOR. Further the tax collectors in this country have a terrible reputation for intimidation and untruthful statements.
  1. Therefore Taxpayer requests that DOR accept his Response to Admissions even though his language and procedure may not be perfect.

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: I do hereby certify on this date that a copy this pleading was sent properly to opposing counsel.

___________________________________              Date: January 12, 2006

Michael Patriot
1776 Patriot Way
Spartanburg, USA