Anonymous Taxpayer,        )          
(Mike Freeman)               )     Docket No. 06-ALJ-17-0000-xx
      Petitioner,            )
 Vs.                         )  PETITIONER'S PRELIMINARY TAX STATEMENT
South Carolina Department    )
Of Revenue                   )
Respondent.                  )

Petitioner hereby files his preliminary tax statement as follows:

  1. Statement of issues for the judge to decide:
    1. Can DOR use hearsay documents without authentication?
    2. I am not required to produce the same information which Respondent already has in possession.
    3. I am not required to determine the validity of Respondent's evidence when I can neither confirm nor deny these figures are accurate.
  2. The Tax Year in dispute is 1999.
  3. Statement of facts I believe the evidence will show: I have dependents, deductions, credits, allowances, and business expenses, etc…
  4. Statement of legal authority that I think apply to the facts: I am not a lawyer and I am not trained in this area.
  5. Statement of the conclusion I believe the judge should reach on each issue I want decided: Respondent must prove beyond a shadow of doubt with witness and company records that I did indeed receive the wages as he states I have.
  6. My Name and address are listed below.
  7. Pursuant to ALC Rule 8, I am a pro se litigant.
  8. I estimate the hearing will take 60 minutes.

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: I do hereby certify on this date that a copy this pleading was sent properly to opposing counsel.

 ___________________________________              Date: December 13, 2006
         Mike Freeman
         1776 Freedom Way
         Freetown, USA