Michael Freeman
1776 Patriot Way
Spartanburg, SC 21765
February 28, 2007
The Honorable John D. McLeod
Administrative Law Judge
1205 Pendleton Street, Suite 224
Columbia, SC 29201
Attn: Chris Smith, Law Clerk
RE: (Anonymous Taxpayer vs. S.C. Department of Revenue
Docket No. ______________
Dear Judge McLeod,
You sent me your letter dated February 20, 2007 suggesting a telephone conference to discuss the pending motions in this case prior to the trial date.
This case is ready for settlement when the DOR becomes reasonable. All I want is a waiver of penalties due to the complexity of the Internal Revenue Code and my unreimbursed business expenses.
I am unable to participate in the conference call on March 1st at 1:00pm as you have specified in your letter and I request a postponement until April 5 at 11am. I called and discussed this same date at 2pm, but have now realized I cannot do it at that time of the day.
I have a friend that is willing to assist me since I am not experienced in legal matters and he will also participate in this conference call.
I want to resolve this case.
Michael Freeman
CC: Ronald Urbine, Chief Council SCDOR