Mike Freeman
1776 Freedom Way
Freetown, USA
April 13, 2007
Ronald Urbine
Chief Counsel for Litigation
301 Gervais St, PO Box 12265
Columbia, SC 29211
RE: Michael Freeman Tax year 1999
Mr. Urbine,
Attached is a copy of a tax lien for 1999 which is recorded against me in the Spartanburg County Court House.
This is an illegal lien because I protested the proposed assessment with the time period. The lien falsely states that the taxes were assessed; this is not true because the proposed assessment is on appeal
I trust you will contact the correct people in your agency and have this illegal lien removed. This false filing will ruin my credit, keep me from higher paying jobs and deny me borrowing power as well as my rights to property.
Please send me a notice of satisfaction of this lien and $1,000 to cover my costs and expenses. Your agency is right generous with penalties if the tax victim makes a mistake.
Michael Freeman