Marian Patriot

Wichita , KS 67211

November 14, 2008

Kansas Dept of Revenue

Problem Resolution Team

PO Box 12005

Topeka , KS 66612 -2005

RE: tax years 2002-2005

Dear Jeanette Boucher,

Thank you for your response dated October 23, 2008.

I dispute your assessment and I am entitled to an appeal of this assessment.

I am not required to file tax returns in KS for the years in question. I had business expenses, charitable deductions and am entitled to other allowances. My income was not sufficient for me to file tax returns.

If this does not resolve the matter, please let me know in time for me to create a written request to the secretary of revenue for an informal conference. I hereby request a conference to review all facts and issues that are underlying in this tax determination. Please send me the forms and information to perfect my request.

I want to obey the law and do what is right. I want to cooperate with the Dept. of Revenue and show you my books and records. I do not owe any taxes and your figures are incorrect.

I want to meet with you, cooperate, substantiate my deductions and get into compliance. Please schedule a meeting for me and send me the time, date and place. Due to my health problems, give me at least 60 days to prepare.

The income figures listed on your adjustment summary are totally and completely incorrect. You received these figures from an IRS printout which are notoriously incorrect. They may be using figures from an illegal alien who is using my name and SS number.

Please send me the source of the income figures. Some of these tax years are being litigated in US tax court and are unresolved. You can not use figures in a court case that is incomplete. The IRS has no assessment against me for some years and therefore the federal income tax information cannot be correct or used by your agency.


Marian Patriot