Michael Freeman
Spartanburg, SC 29303
February 23, 2007
DOR Filing Enforcement Unit
State of South Carolina DOR
301 Gervais St, PO Box 125
Columbia, SC 29214
RE: tax year 2000
Dear Filing Enforcement Unit,
You sent me your letter dated February 1, 2007. You stated that I filed a response to “Proposed Assessment for a Failure to File a Tax Return” Notice.
I do not have any record of receiving a proposed assessment for the year 2000, nor do I remember responding to such notice. Will you please send me a copy of the Proposed Assessment and a copy of my response? Please explain what a “Proposed Assessment” is and what I’m supposed to do.
As State employees, you have a duty to explain your actions to the citizens and inform us what we are supposed to do. As you know some day, I will have a right to access to the state courts in this matter. How will the State Judiciary look at the roughshod, crummy way your department treats me and other tax victims?
You sent me an Assesment Form C-133 on December 13, 2006. I responded with my letter dated January 16, 2007. By chance is this what you are referring to? An Assessment is a different creature from a “proposed assessment” I recommend your department use correct terminology and make references to the forms you actually sent out with some dates.
I consider this a deliberate attempt to confuse me, to take advantage of my lack of my legal skills and a crude effort to force me to hire expensive legal counsel which I cannot afford.
I wonder how the state judges will view your record in this case.
I will comply with what you request, when you explain to me clearly, what forms you are using and w hat I am supposed to do. Until you clarify your letters, I do not know what to do and am unable to do anything.