DOJ Strategy Explained-NTDI from an article in America Free Press
The DOJ has a relatively new program called the National Tax Defier Initiative (NTDI), which used to be called the Tax Protestor Project.
The initiative—while claiming to provide First Amendment exemption for those who speak out on tax issues—targets those who attack the "foundation" of the income tax.A tax "defier" is defined as "someone who rejects the legal foundation of the tax system”, despite decades of DOJ claims of legal precedent upholding the system's constitutional and statutory validity, and who takes specific and concrete action to contest IRS violations of the law. It is this . . . conduct, which results in IRS fraudulent claims, frivolous returns and bogus schemes. Patriots threaten the foundation of our tax system and must be “vigorously countered”, a separate DOJ online legal brief explains.
Under the NTDI, the Tax Division wishes to vigorously enforce federal tax laws against tax defier conduct throughout the nation, but however, the IRS was forced to admit that 64 million Americans do not file tax returns. So DOJ is a bunch of liars also.
A growing consensus among the American people is that the Internal Revenue Code is exceedingly vague and does not establish an actual tax liability for working Americans, but instead operates on guile and the threat of imprisonment to hoodwink Americans into believing the liability exists without ever finding out for themselves if it does.
The main Treasury Department Office of Inspector General hotline for reporting IRS agent misconduct and other complaints is: (800) 359-3898 (a live person answers during the day); fax, (202) 927-5799. Regular mail: Treasury Hotline, Office of Inspector General, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. NW , Washington , D.C. 20220 . Another IRS/Treasury hotline can be reached at (800) 366-4484.