Wayne A.
Castle Rock, CO 80104
March 22, 2007
State of Colorado
Department of Revenue
Denver, CO 80261-0004
Reference: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Account: xxx-xx-xxxx
Refer to: 200609xxxx
Notice: 064470-0530xxx, 064730-05260xxx, 064730-0526xxx, and 064730-0526xxx
I am in receipt of your letter of March 19, 2007 with its enclosures. Please be informed that the information you sent is inadequate. Please send all computations with regard to how you arrived at your totals. Also send all documentation supporting those computations. Also, you neglected to include 2001 in the information you sent me.
Without adequate documentation, I cannot respond properly during the appeals process. As I know these figures are incorrect, at best, and fraudulent, at worse, please send the information as soon as possible.
Wayne A.
Certified Mail # To be supplied at mailing.