United States District Court
___________ DISTRICT OF _______________

_________________                            )
Plaintiff                                    )
 V.                                          )      Case Number:_______
The United States &                          )
______________________________               )      Summons in a Civil Action	                             
______________________________               )
Respondents                                  )                           

TO: Name and address of the Defendants:

The United States c/o The US Attorney US Courthouse, Greenville, SC 29615
The US Attorney General 10th St. & Constitution Ave. NW, Washington DC 20530
IRS Attn: Agent Scumbag, Federal Building M, Columbia, SC 10000
The Enemy Bank, 666 Evil Way, Devilville NY, 66666
The Evil Bank, 666 Enemy Way, Deviltown, MA 66666

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to file with the Clerk of this Court and serve upon

Plaintiff pro se:


an answer to the complaint which is herewith served upon you, within 20/60 days_____________ after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.

___________________________________              ____________________
Clerk                                                                             Date

By Deputy Clerk