Congressman Jim Traficant addressed the border/drug problems as early as 1997!

October 20, 1999

Mr. Speaker, the governor of New Mexico says, and I quote, `America has lost the war on drugs. It is time to legalize drugs.' Think about it. Cocaine and heroin, legal. Eleven- and 12-year-olds strung out.

This is a joke. While our drug czar worries about Olympic athletes, our borders are wide open, literally tons of heroin and cocaine flooding our streets, and now politicians are calling for legalization of narcotics.

Beam me up. This is not a war on drugs; this is absolute surrender. I yield back all the catchy, get-tough, rah-rah, gung-ho slogans of America's great charade on drugs.

DRUGS FROM MEXICO February 26, 1997

Mr. Speaker, in America today 80 percent of all heroin comes from Mexico; 80 percent of all cocaine and all marijuana comes from Mexico; 80 percent of all narcotics in your town, in my town comes from Mexico. It is so bad that Mexico's top government drug fighter was busted for helping drug traffickers.

And after all of this, reports now say that the White House is leaning towards certifying Mexico again as a cooperating part. Beam me up, Mr. Speaker.


October 24, 1997

Mr. Speaker, the Democrats have claimed another victory. The Democrats were successful in stripping the Traficant amendment that would allow troops on the border from the defense bill, and all the Democrats are excited about it, even though our troops are vaccinating dogs in Haiti, they are building homes in Italy, they are guarding the borders in the Mideast, and they are filming political parties at the White House.

Mr. Speaker, a new report that just came out states that the use of heroin by 12- to 17-year-olds in America is at historic levels and our borders are wide open.

The Democrat Party did not kill the Traficant amendment. The Democrat Party is killing the Democrat Party. There is no program. And if the Republicans do not step up and protect our borders, then both the Democrat and Republican Parties should be thrown the hell out and this country needs a third, new independent party.

Tuesday, September 24, 2001 Congressman Traficant offered an amendment to the appropriations Bill for Defense that included his long sought after use of military assistance in securing our borders and it PASSED BY A VOTE OF 242-173. ACTUAL VOTING

Amendment offered by Mr. Traficant.

An amendment numbered 3 printed in House Report 107-218 to assign, at the request of the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury, military personnel to assist in patrolling our borders; to provide for the establishment of a task force by either the Treasury Department or the Justice Department for the purpose of counter-terrorism and drug interdiction.

Editor's Note: Justice did NOT prevail---Congressman Jim Traficant is now a Political Prisoner of the IRS and DOJ.
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