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The Club has the right to terminate any member at any time without cause, notice or compensation. The club has the right to change any plan at any time without notice, including purchase date, fees, referral bonus, etc.. Members agree not to sue the club at any time for any reason and agrees to binding arbitration.
The club does not insure shipping or storage nor immoral government activities. The Liberty Silver Investment Club is not responsible for the actions of any person except Dr. Clarkson nor any silver minter or dealer. The club guarantees nothing, except the actions of Dr. Clarkson and the club itself.
The member agrees to the club security program, including the fact that the club maintains no records, checking account or receipts Member agrees to keep own records and to notify club of any dispute immediately and not later than thirty days.
Member agrees to the terms of this brochure and to any other club policy. Member has read and studied this information and the Clarkson Gold & Silver video, and understands how the program works. Member understands the club is only a broker to assist him in his purchases, and the club is not a dealer or supplier.
Member is to receive physical possession of his own silver and gold. The club does not store precious metals and recommends that members store his own investment. The club recommends that member prepares for the day the US paper currency destructs becomes worthless, and wipes out financially the unknowing. Therefore, you should also keep abreast of current world and local political and financial events.
Dr. Robert Clarkson, P.O. Box 2368, Anderson, SC 29622, (864) 225-3061