Patriot Cannon Goes Digital
The Patriot Cannon, the monthly newsletter of the
Patriot Network, is converting to an electronic format. The new
Patriot Network newsletter, the e-Patriot Cannon, is now totally
electronic and is only distributed via email. The membership
monthly newsletter is now an e-zine.
The mailing list is now an e-group by Yahoo entitled Patriot
Network e-group [PN_]. You should receive our new e-zine
occasionally at your email address. If you receive this directly
from Dr. Clarkson via the PN_ egroup, that means we have your
e-address. If you receive this e-zine by any other method, that
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Patriot Of The Month
Interview With R.W Moore,
Publisher of The Truth Newspaper

Who is R.W Moore?
I am the publisher of The Truth Newspaper located at 1478 Highway
106 in Toccoa, Ga. 30577.
How did you come to found the newspaper?
I'm 73 years old and I got to the point where I could remember, at
one time, a better world that we were living in and I wanted to do
my part to make it a better
world today, or at least try to. I just couldn't stand what they
were doing
to our country. We have a great country but nobody gives a d***. I'm
problem plugger, I see a problem, and look around and ask people,
"hey, why
don't you help me." -- They usually talk a good line but... do
little or nothing.
Give us some examples please.
Here in Stephens County they were trying to pass a law to give the
government control over land use. [This is a
major problem in counties across the country but gets little
coverage -- NW.]
We formed Take Back Georgia (most of the work was
done by me) and we beat them 994 votes in the ballot box although
they had already sneaked land use through before the vote was ever
So many times I've heard it, till it's coming out my
ears, "I don't see what one person can do." We were having
fires in the 1960s and I organized the first volunteer fire
department in Eastanollee. Then pilots from Florida and other places
were losing their lives in the mountains up here. ( The mountains
will rise up and smite you, you know!)
On Oct. 20 1976 I organized the Civil Air Patrol here.
What is the main point of the Truth Newspaper?
It really is a God and country publication; we cover freedoms and
liberties being taken away. We're not a religious paper but we deal
in religious subjects. For instance I've gotten the 10 Commandments
into three counties (Franklin, Madison, Habersham) -- got them to
sign a resolution saying that the county government has the right to
display them in public buildings. In most cases they have.
Habersham County is being sued by the ACLU on behalf
of a preacher named (Bo) Turner. Some time ago I went down to
Decatur and gave a deposition to the ACLU attorney. That's where his
office was. I was subpoenaed to go there.
After so many years in activism, why would one found a newspaper
I looked around to try to determine what I could be most effective
at and reach the most people with the minimum amount of resources.
It got to the point that I had to do something for my own sanity. My
sanity's debatable, but I can lay down in bed tonight and feel good
about what I'm doing. We mail papers to people in 40 states.
What other current projects do you have?
This Tuesday I'll be presenting an anti-Patriot Act and -Homeland
resolution to the county commissioners in Stevens County. They love
me -- I'm among their favorite folks.
Where do you differ with them?
They passed a resolution which causes the citizens of this community
to have to pay a $25 fee for a permit to assemble. That is a direct
opposition to the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United
States. But the county lawyer says this is based on a law that was
defeated by the U.S. Supreme Court -- there was an issue over a park
in Chicago. Interestingly enough, Chicago is one of the 112 cities
that has opted out of Patriot Act I and II as well as Homeland
Security Act.
(See for a list of
these cities.)

Bookstore New listings
The world famous Judgment Proofing Tapes by Robert Clarkson have
been re-issued, now in both video and
DVD. The three tape set explains property law, IRS collection
procedure, and how to hide your assets.
These tapes can show you how to put your
real estate and other assets outside the reach of creditors, tax
collectors, jealous spouses, etc.
This is a complicated subject, which is
explained simply, easily and interesting.
Order now for $60.
Three tape set in DVD or Video.
[Patriot Bookstore] [Order

"If the
American People ever allow 'private banks' to control
the issue of currency...the banks...will deprive the
People of all their property until their children 'wake
up' homeless on the continent their fathers
Thomas Jefferson |
Patriots Win CDP Hearing

and "The Great One" show off a Constitution, a pile of
IRS forms, and a
winning attitude before going in for CDP hearing.
A young man whom we shall call
Joe recently joined the Patriot Network and said he was being
chased by the tax thieves. Dr. Clarkson advised him to take the
option which the IRS or Instant Robbery Squad offers for a
"collections due process hearing" (CDPH). PN members
and friends looked forward to this latest opportunity to
simultaneously educate the Service and study its machinations.
On the date of July 29th a hardy crew
of our people gathered at the entrance to the IRS office on
Roper Mountain Road in Greenville. We talked over a few angles
of the challenge and sharpened our tactical fangs. About 15
minutes after the hearing was scheduled to begin, a woman came
out of the door to the torture center -- the Orwellian area
inside the office where agents were "serving
customers" from behind Plexiglas panels. She announced
herself as Mary Green -- almost certainly a pseudonym of some
kind. Joe explained that he was there to settle the matter with
witnesses observing the proceedings. Suddenly it was obvious all
over again: there's a war going on!
At the first hint that their "mark"
knew something about his rights, the agents' backs were up. They
became agitated and hostile. What started with about two of them
quickly grew to four or five, all surrounding one patriot armed
only with the truth.
"I will be recording the hearing,"
George added. "We're sorry”, quashed Mary, that will not
be permitted since you did not give us ten days' notice."
George was adamant about taping, though, as
backed up inimitably by The Great One himself. He aptly cited
the recent Keene case in support for taping rights. The agents
flatly refused. Another member present, "Jack", asked
the disputants to speak a little louder and pointed his micro
cassette recorder right at them. The agents realized two recorders
were already on, and the stuff really hit the fan!
"Turn those recorders off!" barked
one. "We have our rights!" cried a PN member we shall
call Jack. THIS HEARING IS CONCLUDED!" shouted the agent --
but "Mary" went right on with it! Jack asked if the
recorders were permitted, and The Great One -- ever a stickler
for procedure -- advised that taping was indeed not allowed
under the circumstances. The machines were turned off -- but not
for long!
"Mary Green" demanded to know who The
Great One was, and he responded quite truthfully, "I am
"Are you an attorney? He's allowed to have
his attorney here."
"I'm just `person,' and I have the right to
come in advise him regardless!"
"I have witnesses," Joe added.
"Well," said Mary, "you're not going to have more
than one representative and one witness." We fought that
claim tooth and nail. Jack demanded to know what section of law
or policy allowed these restrictions, but got no answer worth
Mary gave Joe a
choice between having the hearing under these draconian
restrictions or going home and leaving the agents to have the
hearing without him. Here he threw in the main ingredient
by stating that he was there to discuss "collection
alternatives" but wasn't being accorded a fair
chance to do so. Once this was on the record the IRS's case was
as good as dead. He now has the chance to sue the agency and
drag the case out like they like it. This amounts to a
"checkmate" of the evil, disreputable tax mafia.

the enemy retreats -- two of the maddest IRS agents you ever saw
charge out of the foyer back toward their lair after failing to
shout down well- citizens armed with facts.
the patriot could not be budged the agents (one of whom wore a
badge of some kind) stalked back into their own torture domain.
Two of them, wearing looks of total devastation, came out the
front doors to peer at the patriots getting into the cars. Our
merry band departed for a delicious buffet lunch at their
accustomed first-Saturday meeting location, and to savor the
victory in progress.
week later The Patriots were notified that they had won the CDP
hearing and the collection activities were dismissed.

Warrior Certificate
Patriot Network President, Robert Clarkson and
PN Secretary Nelson Waller have designed a new award certificate
for Valiant Warriors -- those who have been in the
freedom fight (i.e. not filed) for ten years or more.
The Patriot Network believes in recognition of freedom fighters
who have been earnest in the cause, especially for decades of
service to one's country.
The ten-year designation for the Road Paver certificate is out
of date now, so we have promoted it to be the 20-year pin and
may soon be the 30-year award. A Road Paver is one who came
early and prepared the route for others to follow.
At the monthly meetings and at the annual convention, Dr.
Clarkson will be presenting the Valiant Warrior certificate for
those who have been steadfast in the
cause for ten years or more and the Road Paver certificate for
two decades.
