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IRS Has Income
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Official: Middle Class Trapped in Alternative Minimum Tax
Famous Voluntarism Tax Quotes

The Truth Newspaper
When Truth Counts
Lindsey Graham's Reply Letter
About Taxes
Black Churches
are Politically
IRS Has Income
Tax Problems
America the Unfree
Stealing Potato Chips
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Patriot Cannon Links:
Official: Middle Class Trapped in Alternative Minimum Tax
Famous Voluntarism Tax Quotes
Issue #4 Feb 04 Volume 2 Editor Robert B. Clarkson |
Tax fighters beating IRS, GAO reports
WASHINGTON--Tax-dodging schemes, especially those involving illegal offshore credit-card accounts, have been growing faster than the IRS's ability to crack down on them, the General Accounting Office reported Friday.
The GEO is the fedgov's watchdog. Its investigations and reports and very through and correct. The problem could become serious enough to undermine the U.S. income tax system, according to the GAO, which conducts investigations for Congress.
"Abusive tax-avoidance schemes could threaten our tax system's integrity and fairness if honest taxpayers believe that significant numbers of individuals are not paying their fair share of taxes," the GAO concluded.
Internal Revenue Service documents indicate that the schemes are depriving the U.S. Treasury of as much as $40 billion in unrealized taxes each year.
In the last year, members of Congress have been pushing investigations into the use of tax-avoidance scams by corporations and individuals.
The schemes often work this way: a small-business owner will establish a sham company in an offshore tax haven in the Caribbean Islands. The fake company then leases the business owner a piece of equipment for a fee that matches his profits. The owner pays the leasing "fee," thereby shifting his income overseas without paying any taxes. Using a debit or credit card, he can access the cash whenever he wants. "The more we dig, the more rats' nests we uncover," Senate Finance Committee Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who asked GAO to do the study, said in a statement.
The focus on stopping tax schemes represents a dramatic shift in sentiment from 1997 and 1998 when Congress, concerned about rising taxpayer anger over alleged IRS abuses, approved constraints on tax collectors.
According to the report, the IRS has identified more than 400,000 taxpayers who are involved in tax-evasion strategies likely to be illegal. Earlier this year, the IRS had estimated the number at 131,000.
Whatever the number, the IRS is not keeping pace with it, the GAO concluded. In fiscal 2003, the IRS's small-business and self-employment division almost had the number of full-time staffers working on tax-dodging schemes up to 267.
Incidentally, the GAO in a separate article, dated September 15 2003, was quoted as saying, "Under current law, IRS does not have statutory authority to impose a penalty to enforce employer compliance with the reporting requirement. The reporting requirement was promulgated in Treasury regulations."

Patriot Bookstore News
New* The Patriot bookstore is now offering books on CD's!!
Dr. Clarkson has prepared a series of books on CD for you to further your patriot education.
This new compact disc format (CD)
Currently CD books available are:
1. Clarkson's Independent Contractor Agreements - $20
2. Kuglin Transcript with exhibits - $20
3. Marvin Cooley's Audit Block - $20

Visit the PN bookstore today
Year of the Slave
You are a slave. I know that's not what you want to hear as you hoist your New Year's champagne, but it is the unpleasant truth that we all face going into 2004.
Movies and public school like to portray slaves as bound by chains and beaten with whips, creating a polarized image of slavery that can be pointed to with the comment, "You are not like that, therefore you are not a slave." But history shows that slaves have been treated in all manner of ways, some more cruel than others, yet even with the most kind treatment, a slave remains a slave.
Setting aside the stereotyped image of a slave as a bleeding chain-bound wretch, slaves throughout history are often hard to recognize. In some cases, such as the Medieval Serfs, they were held slaves to the rulers by religious belief, and did not see themselves as slaves even though they were treated as such. The favored slaves of Asian potentates wore jewels to make a movie star gasp, yet were still slaves for all their finery and comfort.
So, what is a slave? How do we define a slave? What test do we use to tell if someone is a slave. What makes them different from free people?
Free people can say "no". Free people can refuse demands for their money, time, and children. Slaves cannot. There is no freedom without the freedom to say "no". If someone demands that you do something and you can say "no" and refuse to do it, then you are a free human being. If you can be forced to do something or surrender something that you do not wish to, then you are a slave. No other test need be applied.
When you are forced to surrender half your life's work to the government in ever-increasing taxes, then you are a slave.
Throughout history, slaves were expected to perform the work needed for their own upkeep, then perform additional work for the rulers. For Roman slaves, the ratio of work-for-self versus work-for-rulers was about 50-50. The same ratio applied to Medieval Serfs, and even to the slaves of the American south. And, when you add up all the overt taxes, covert fees, tariffs, excises, plus the increased price you pay for products to pay the taxes of the companies that make those products, you will find that Americans are at that same "half-for-self" versus "half-for-rulers" ratio! Can you say "no" to the confiscation of half of your life? Can you even get the masters to maybe reduce the burden by a significant amount? No? Congratulations. You are a slave.
The masters have decided they want wars on anyone living over oil. The idea is that it is better for American corporations to steal the oil they need than to pay for it. Millions of Americans (and millions more around the globe) did not want the war, but the masters started them anyway, by lying to the people. Could you refuse the war? Can you refuse being lied to? No? Congratulations. You are a slave.
The rulers want your children for their future wars. Legislation for a draft is already in Congress. Can you refuse the confiscation of your children? No? Congratulations. You are a slave.
The government has been caught lying over and over again to the people, from who really did 9-11, to the legality of the tax system, to Cheney's Energy Task Force papers, to Saddam's WMDs. Americans are the most lied-to people on Earth. Can you refuse to be lied to? Can you punish the liars? No? Congratulations. You are a slave.
Just because you cannot see the slave-chains doesn't mean they are not there. Chains made of steel are obvious, but chains made of beliefs are not always recognized for what they are. Hitler enslaved the German people to war with a belief that Poland was about to invade. LBJ enslaved the American people to war with the belief that Vietnam had attacked the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. Poland wasn't invading. There were no torpedoes in the Gulf of Tonkin, but the slaves, held by invisible chains of beliefs, went to war. Millions died.
In 2003, however, the chains started to become visible. The Constitutional right to freedom of expression was confined to "free-speech" zones. A slave may have an opinion, so long as it is not expressed where it might upset the other slaves. The Constitutional right to an armed populace, the means by which the men who set up a nation of free citizens hoped to keep them free, is under constant attack from those who fear a nation of free citizens, and who will not sleep soundly until we are a nation entirely of slaves. Armed citizens can, after all, say "no" and make it stick. That was why there was a Second Amendment, to allow the people to say "no" to those who would return them to the slavery they had so recently escaped from. Other Constitutional rights and protections have been set aside. The government can now search through your private records without cause and without warrant, even break into your home and not have to tell you. Simply by declaring a citizen an enemy combatant, the government can now lock up US citizens without a charge and without a lawyer. You can be prevented from traveling simply for having the wrong name. If you purchase too much gold or take home too much cash, or hoard food, the government will take notice. Having a Farmer's Almanac is grounds for suspicion. Talking about the Constitution is now deemed grounds to suspect a terrorist link. Torture is now espoused as "necessary" to "deal with the crisis". Were you able to refuse those changes to the Constitution? No? Congratulations. You are a slave.
The government (at all levels) has borrowed trillions of dollars and stuck your kids with the payments. Children not even born will be paying off the bills. To declare the lives of children not yet born, let alone old enough to vote, indentured to the state is slavery most obvious and odious. Can you refuse responsibility for payments on debts the government incurred without your permission? No? Congratulations. You are a slave.
The government has borrowed so much money that it has long ago run out of gold to pledge as collateral on the debts. Starting in Nixon's administration, natural resources were used as collateral for the mounting debts. Borrow more money, promise a chunk of public lands as collateral. These land pledges were concealed behind "Environmentalism" to disguise the real purpose. Numerous names such as "Wilderness Reserve", "Wetland", "Heritage River", and so forth were used to conceal the true scale of the confiscations. But the end result was the same. Huge tracts of public land containing natural resources were walled away from the public that owned them, mortgaged to the holders of the US Government debt. We are well on our way from being citizens, to being mere tenants. Were you able to refuse having your public lands placed at risk by the US Government to cover loans you never authorized the government to make? No? Congratulations. You are a slave.
Trust funds under government control are being looted, from the Social Security trust fund to Native American trust accounts to Federal Retirement Funds. Congress pays lip service to the looting of Social Security, but considers only more taxes to cover the looted shortfall. Meanwhile, court cases over other looted trust accounts drag on without resolution. Are you able to refuse corrupt and dishonest government? No? Congratulations. You are a slave.
You are a slave because the ruling class can do what they want, take what they want, and you cannot refuse. You may have freedom to decide what TV channel to watch tonight, or just which style car you will drive to your work in, but little power over the rest of your life. Even that home you have worked to pay for over the last decade can be taken from you at a moment's notice via "eminent domain". Can you refuse? No? Congratulations. You are a slave.
In October 2001 I wrote that more damage would be done to our nation by those claiming to save us from the terrorists than by any actual terrorist act. Even as Bush claimed that the terrorists hated the US because of our freedoms, he took what few remaining freedoms we had away until we are more watched, more spied on, more limited, more silenced, more taxed, and more enslaved then at any other time in our nation's history. Not only are we slaves, we are at last starting to see that we have been slaves all along. We did not have rights, because a right cannot be taken away. What we had were indulgences, granted by the masters to the slaves, to be removed when the masters grow fearful of the slaves' resentment and anger.
I know this is a very depressing article to read on the New Year, but I have watched through 2003 as people I care about lost their homes and businesses, as the labors of a lifetime evaporated in stock market manipulations by corporate crooks. These Americans who had worked hard to achieve the American dream lost it all through no fault of their own. Our schools are broke, hospitals under-staffed, the roads and bridges and rails of the nation are crumbling while billions of dollars are given away to foreign nations, favored cronies, and the ravenous war machine. The priorities of the government that feeds on taxes seems focused everywhere but on those who pay those taxes. And we can't seem to refuse that either.
I think the state of the nation can be summed up by a simple contrast. Tommy Chong is in jail for selling a pipe, while Ken Lay walks around a free man with the billions he stole from his employees and investors. Any way you slice it, that's a pretty screwed up situation.
I promised a reader that I would make some predictions for 2004 in this article. I wish I hadn't because I am hoping I am wrong on most of them.
1. There will be another fake terror attack. The Neocon war agenda cannot move forward without it. Those who hoped Iraq would be the end of the wars are in for a rude shock. The hawks want the entire planet, either directly ruled by the US, or ruled by obedient puppet regimes. Another "attack" is needed.
2. The US will eventually lose their war of conquest of the world. The US does not have enough troops to garrison the planet, and as Hitler learned much too late, merely having superior weapons isn't going to win a war when you've pissed off absolutely everyone else in the world. On a more practical level, sooner or later the US will wind up at war with someone who really DOES have nuclear weapons of mass destruction. That this is the government plan is witnessed by the numerous underground facilities which have been built or upgraded in recent years. You paid for them, but you won't be allowed in them. Such an attack on the US is small price to pay for those who promote these wars, not for America, but for another nation standing by while its victims are tricked into fighting each other.
3. Minus a war, the US Government will eventually collapse as did the Soviet Union, dragged down by debt and corruption. As the final collapse looms closer, look for the looting of the nation to become even bolder than it is now. The last official act of any government is to loot the nation.
4. I am opposed to violence. I wish it could be avoided but I do believe that this nation is headed towards a collision between the rulers and the ruled. The government fears this as well or we wouldn't see so much bullet-proof Lexan between us and our "public servants". I think that the reason we have not seen it yet is that Americans have been conditioned to expect a hero or savior to come and make things right. We know things have gone wrong, but we are waiting for someone else to fix it, Superman, the cavalry riding to the rescue, Spartacus, the Messiah, Batman, What Really Happened, etc. This belief that one should wait quietly for a hero is part of the slavery mechanism, to keep you in your place, rendering unto Caesar, breeding more slaves, waiting for salvation that never comes. However, as history has shown, even the patience of an entire people can run out, and I predict that when the final upheaval comes, it will arrive as suddenly as that which occurred in Romania. In November 1989, Romania seemed stable under the rule of Nicholai Ceausescu. One month later, a sporting event erupted into a spontaneous political protest and on December 25th, Nicholai Ceausescu was tried and sentenced to death. Ceausescu proved that tyrants should not confuse silence with consent. The Romanian people finally realized that nobody was coming to save them, and they had the courage to save themselves. The collapse of the USSR was equally rapid and almost as unexpected. So shall it be in the US.
Like I said above, I hope I am wrong in my forecasts. However it is clear that the US Government is under the control of individuals intent on personal enrichment, or loyalty to a foreign nation above our own, and seeing no reason at all not to continue on their present course. Confrontation seems inevitable.
The founding fathers set up a nation in which government was by the consent of the people. We The People agreed to certain obligations, and the government we allowed to care for our national sovereignty agreed to abide by certain limits set forth in the Constitution. The present government has broken the agreement, discarding the Constitutional limits on their power and authority while at the same time piling more and more obligations onto the people. Were you able to refuse them? No? This more than any of the other reasons is why you have ceased to be a free human being, and are now a slave.
You are a slave. When you live under a government that takes your wealth and your children and lies to you to keep you docile and scares you to keep you obedient, how can it be otherwise?
You are a slave. You can stay that way, or not. It's that simple. Nobody is coming to save you. There are no heroes, no cavalry riding to the rescue. Whether you and your children will live as slaves or as free human beings is entirely up to you.
Article written by ICE

Black Churches are Politically Organized
By R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed.
In November of 2001, this reporter accessed a copy of an underground newspaper in Aiken County, South Carolina entitled, "Metro Aiken". It was free. It was publicly distributed in the parts of the city where a majority of black citizens live. On the front page the leading Headline was "Ministers Group Endorses Price." Lessie Price was an incumbent Aiken City Councilwoman who was running against the opponent candidate, Davis Cheek. Lessie is Democrat and black female. Cheek is Republican and white male. The two candidates were invited to address the Concerned Ministers of Aiken at their community weekly breakfast. It is an organization of black ministers.
The article states, "The group, citing her experience, her commitment and resourcefulness decided unanimously to endorse Councilwoman Lessie Price for re-election to District 2 seat." For further information about the group, the article invited readers to contact Rev. Holmes at (803) 648-5457. On November 11, 2002, a certified letter was sent to the Internal Revenue Service which included a copy of the newspaper article. The letter requested, ". . . that the churches represented by those pastors who are members of Concerned Ministers of Aiken should have their tax-exempt status revoked . . ." Also quoted in the letter was the IRS Code, IRC Section 502(c)(3) which states, "501(c)(3) organizations, including churches and religious organizations, are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign fund or public statements or position (verbal or written) made by or on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity. Violation of this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes." A copy of the letter and article was also sent to Focus on the Family which is headed by the child psychologist, Dr. James Dobson. No response was given.
On March 18, 2003, a letter arrived from the IRS office in Washington, DC which stated, "Thank you for the information you submitted regarding Concerned Ministers of Aikin."
"The Internal Revenue Code includes taxpayer privacy provisions, which were enacted by Congress to protect the privacy of tax returns and the tax return information of all taxpayers. Accordingly, we cannot disclose what action, if any; the IRS has taken or may take with respect to the information you have provided to us. "The IRS maintains an ongoing examination program to ensure that tax-exempt organizations continue to meet the legal requirements for tax exemption, and that they otherwise comply with applicable tax laws. The information you submitted will be considered in this program. "If, at a later date, you have additional information that you believe is relevant to this matter, or that you wish to bring to the attention of the IRS, please feel free to send it to the following address: IRS, EO Classification, 4910 DAL, 1100 Commerce Street, Dallas, TX 75242.
"We appreciate your concern in bringing this matter to our attention. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call me a the number shown above." [END Quote] The letter is signed by Marshall D. Jackson, Exempt Organizations Specialist. The word "Aiken" was misspelled.
From this research one can deduce that (1) black churches are politically organized and active with the blessing of the IRS, (2) white churches are denied the right to politically move against the IRS as was demonstrated by the Baptist Temple, (3) the IRS does not have to report its activity to American citizens, (4) the IRS office is located inside the Department of the Treasury in Washington, DC. However, the IRS is not a federal government agency.
Long ago the founder of Planned Parenthood and well known Luciferin (Satan worshiper), Margaret Sanger, made it clear that the socialists would use the black pastors to evoke the coming of a political New World Order, which ironically hates Christianity. This reporter concludes that Aiken, South Carolina, is following that predicted course of action with the help of its elected federal, state, and local governments as well as the silent "wolves in sheep clothing" that now occupy the white church pulpits.
Dedicated to Truth -- Driven to Know becworks@aol.com

Lindsey Graham reply letter about tax
Lindsey D. GRAHAM
Republican, South Carolina
864- 224-5972
United States Senate
Washington DC
August 26, 2003
Mr. L. T. Oates
Morris Highway,
Greenville, SC 29611
Dear L. T:
Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). I appreciate the opportunity to hear from you on this issue.
You may be interested to learn that the IRS does not have the authority to take property without court order. The IRS is required to notify a taxpayer in writing of their intent to levy a federal tax lien, and the taxpayer has a right to request a hearing during a thirty-day period prior to the levy action. Additionally, there is a review and approval process for all liens, notices of levy, or seizure, and those employees and supervisors who do not follow the procedure are subject to disciplinary action.
As a conservative, I believe that lowering the tax burden on America's families and reducing the size of the federal government is the best way to grow the economy and get people back to work. A fairer, simpler, and more efficient tax system will make it easier for the American people to comply with tax laws and reduce the intrusive nature of the IRS.
Thank you again for contacting me. If I may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call on me. |


Official: Middle Class Trapped in Alternative Minimum Tax
WASHINGTON — The government's advocate for taxpayers predicts the alternative minimum tax (search) will be one of the biggest problems many Americans will have while filling out their returns.
In her annual report to Congress detailing the difficulties confronting taxpayers, Taxpayer Advocate (search) Nina Olson called the alternative minimum tax "a time bomb on a short fuse." Originally intended to stop the wealthy from sheltering their income from taxes, the alternative minimum tax now catches more middle-income families.
To read more click the Fox News Link below
"Originally intended to stop the wealthy from sheltering their income from taxes, the alternative minimum tax now catches more middle-income families."
America the Unfree
by Paul Craig Roberts
January 28, 2004
The Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal's tenth annual Index of Economic Freedom pulls the wool over our eyes. The deception is unintentional and arises from a fatal flaw in the index.
The index delivers the comforting conclusion that the US is the 10th most free country, far ahead of 155th ranked North Korea. However, the index ignores the simple truth that people who do not own the product of their labor are not free. People subject to an income tax do not own the product of their labor.
Our Founding Fathers understood this. Indeed, historically the very definition of freedom has been self-ownership. Serfs and slaves are not free, because they do not own their labor.
Any American who thinks he owns his labor can test the proposition by refusing to pay his income tax. He will quickly discover that he is not a free person.
The Heritage index is ahistorical. It is blind to the enormous loss of freedom in the 20th century, especially in the US and the UK. It takes as its starting point the re-enserfment of populations and predicates a "freedom" index on unfree labor.
This extraordinary failing reduces a valuable study to a propaganda device.
Compare an American taxpayer's situation today with that of a 19th century American slave. Not all slaves worked on cotton plantations. Some with marketable skills were leased to businesses or released to labor markets, where they worked for money wages. Just like the wages of today's taxpayer, a portion of the slave's money wages was withheld. In those days the private owner, not the government, received the withheld portion of the slave's wages. Slaves in that situation were as free as today's American taxpayer to choose their housing from the available stock, purchase their food and clothing, and entertain themselves.
In fact, they were freer than today's American taxpayer. By hard work and thrift, they could save enough to purchase their freedom.
No American today can purchase his freedom from the IRS.
Slaves could also run away. Today, Americans who run away are pursued to the far ends of the earth. Indeed, the IRS can assert its ownership rights for years after an American gives up his citizenship and becomes a citizen of a different country. The IRS need only claim that the former American gave up his citizenship for tax reasons. I challenge Heritage and the Wall Street Journal to initiate a broader index of freedom, one that not only includes self-ownership, but also the Bill of Rights that defines our civil liberties and the 14th Amendment that insists on equality before the law.
Such an index would reveal that the US is a stunningly unfree country. The lowest federal tax rate in combination with the Social Security and Medicare tax confers serf status upon lower income groups. The top tax rate, federal and state, converts successful Americans into government's slaves.
The protective principles in law that ensure our civil liberties - no crime without intent, no bills of attainder, no retroactive law, the attorney-client privilege, no self-incrimination - have been eroded beyond recognition. Wars against the Mafia, drug dealers, child abusers, and terrorists - accused whose convictions are thought necessary at all costs - have eviscerated the Bill of Rights. Today not even multi-billionaires can fight off prosecutorial frame-ups.
Americans believe that they are free until they encounter the "justice" system, at which time they learn that they are as helpless as medieval serfs.
The "civil rights revolution" destroyed equality before the law. Today rights are race- and gender-based. We have resurrected the status-based rights of feudalism. The new privileges belong to "preferred minorities" rather than noble families.
Neoconservative delusion that America has a monopoly on virtue and the right to impose American values on the world prevents a realistic look at the deplorable state of freedom in America today. It is a paradox that a country that has abandoned freedom and re-enserfed its population sees itself as role model for the world.
January 28, 2004 Dr. Roberts is John M. Olin Fellow at the Institute for Political Economy, Senior Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute. He is a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and a former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury. He is the co-author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.
Copyright © 2004 Creators Syndic

Patriot Network Speakers
Video Series
The independent patriot clubs are now video taping the speakers and classes. Now, those who missed classes or who live outside the Southeast can receive the same information made available at the monthly meetings at the PN clubs. Also those who want the information furnished to the classes for further study or to show their family can purchase videos of many of the meetings.
This is an independent project of famed videographer RW Moore, President of the Toccoa Patriots and publisher of The Truth Newspaper, Inc. The classes are available in video tape and DVD format for generally $20 each. The videos are either 1 or 2 hour classes.
The classes available
now include:
1. Dr. John Cobin, "Bible and Government -- Romans 13"
2. Dr John Cobin on "Allodialism and Tax-Free Land Titles."
3. Ken Shields, Spartanburg club leader on "Money and Privacy".
4. Bob Schulz of We The People Congress, "How to Beat The IRS."
5. Irwin Schiff, "The Federal Mafia and How To Stop Paying Income Taxes".
Note: All speakers' information will be available on VHS & DVD. $30.00 for DVD $20.00 for VHS + $5.00 S&H by priority mail only. Up to two DVD's or VHS for same S&H.
Contact RW Moore at 706-827-9966
The next issue (11) of THE TRUTH NEWSPAPER, INC., will have a full four-color insert on these new speakers. http://www.thetruthnewspaperinc.com
Email: rwmoore@alltel.net
Email: publish@alltel.net
Check or Money Order to:
The Truth Newspaper, Inc. 1478 Hwy. 106
Toccoa, GA. 30577
The Clarkson Videos are still available at www.PatriotNetwork.info
Patriot Cannon Is Now Digital
The Patriot Cannon, the monthly newsletter of the Patriot Network, has converted to an electronic format. The new Patriot Network newsletter, the e-Patriot Cannon, is now totally electronic and is only distributed via email. The membership monthly newsletter is now an e-zine.
The mailing list is now an e-group by Yahoo entitled Patriot Network e-group [PN-]. You should receive our new e-zine occasionally at your email address. If you receive this directly from Dr. Clarkson via the PN- egroup, that means we have your e-address. If you receive this e-zine by any other method, that means we may not have your e-address. Maybe, maybe not.
If we do not have your e-address please send it to Dr. Clarkson or the address manager of the e-zine (PNWebmaker@sbcglobal.net). If you do not receive this e-zine on a regular basis that means we do not have your e-address.
If you do not wish to receive this e-zine, you can simply remove yourself from the e-group [PN-]. You can do this by clicking the Unsubscribe section below.
This newsletter is designed for members of the Patriot Network. You can forward this to prospective subscribers but this newsletter is not designed for the general public.
If you are not a member of the Patriot Network, or you were a member but allowed your membership to lapse, please click on the Unsubscribe section below.
Previous issues of the Patriot Cannon Newsletter can be found at the Patriot Network web site: http://www.PatriotNetwork.info/ click on the menu button, PN Archives.
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Law Library Workshop &Clarkson’s Law Course:
Date: TBA
Location: TBA
Includes classes on How to use a law library, how to write a legal brief, legal methods-how the courts work, how to represent and defend yourself, trip to law library, civil procedure, FOIA-PA.
Speakers include Dr Robert Clarkson, Cost: $75 for course. Family, returnees’ ½ price; includes materials, handouts, etc. |
Dawn Beene, competent manager of the famous Clarkson Law Library Workshop has compiled this list of important legal terms that all Patriot Paralegals should know and understand:
As found in Barron’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition
ACTION – a judicial proceeding whereby one party prosecutes another for a wrong done, or for protection of a right or prevention of a wrong; at common law, to be distinguished from an action in equity, which could not be brought before the law courts but only before a court of equity.
BRIEF – a written argument concentrating upon legal points and authorities, which is used by the lawyer to convey to the court (trial or appellate) the essential facts of his client’s case, a statement of the questions of law involved, the law that he would have applied, and the application that he desires made of it by the court; it is submitted in connection with an application, motion, trial, or appeal.
CIVIL – that branch of law that pertains to suits outside of criminal practice, pertaining to the rights and duties of persons in contract, tort, etc.; also refers to civil law as opposed to common law.
CIVIL ACTION – action maintained to protect a private, civil right, or to compel a civil remedy, as distinguished from a criminal prosecution.
DEFENDANT – in civil proceedings, the party responding to the complaint; “one who is sued and called upon to make satisfaction for a wrong complained by another, [the plaintiff].”
DEFENSE – a denial, answer, or plea opposing the truth or validity of the plaintiff’s case. This may be accomplished by cross-examination or by demurrer. It is more often done by introduction of testimony or other evidence designed to refute all or part of the allegations of the plaintiff’s case.
LITIGANTS – the parties involved in a lawsuit; those involved in litigation; refers to all parties whether plaintiffs or defendants. The term is usually limited to those actively involved in the suit.
LITIGATION – a controversy in a court, a judicial contest through which legal remedies are sought to be determined and enforced.
MOTION – an application to the court requesting an order or rule in favor of the applicant. Motions are generally made in reference to a pending action and may be addressed to a matter within the discretion of the judge, or may concern a point of law as in a MOTION TO DISMISS, which tests the adequacy of the pleadings. Motions may be made orally, or, more formally, in writing, by a NOTICE OF MOTION. They may be determined without notice to the adverse parties or argued by adverse parties.
PLAINTIFF – the one who initially brings the suit; “he who, in a personal action, seeks a remedy in a court of justice for an injury to, or withholding of, his rights.”
PRO SE – Latin: for himself; in one’s own behalf; e.g., one appears “pro se” in a legal action when one represents oneself without the aid of counsel.
PROSECUTION – the act of pursuing a lawsuit or criminal trial; also, the party initiating a criminal suit, i.e., the state. Where the civil litigant, or the state in a criminal trial, fails to move the case towards final resolution or trial as required by the court schedule, the matter may be dismissed for WANT OF PROSECUTION or for FAILURE TO PROSECUTE.

Famous Voluntarism
"We are, after all, asking taxpayers to voluntarily pay over their taxes to us." U.S. Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson (2/14/2003)
"Look at our tax system. If people didn't voluntarily comply, there is no way that we could collect $2 trillion worth of money from the population without willing cooperation." Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill (7/9/2002)
"It's a voluntary system. If people don't perceive it to be fair, people won't voluntarily comply. We are struggling to maintain ground on voluntary compliance." Senator Bob Kerrey (3/6/1997)
"Let me point this out now: Your income tax is 100 percent voluntary tax, and your liquor tax is 100 percent enforced tax. Now, this situation is as different as night and day." Dwight Avis, head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, 1953

The IRS has an
Income Tax problem
By Robert R. Raymond
January 19, 2004
The IRS has an Income Tax problem. Tens of millions of Americans no longer file the form 1040. Why is that? Well, besides the fact that government consumes 40 percent of the fruits of our labor and people sometimes have to make a choice between feeding their families or feeding Uncle Sam; people are tired of IRS abuses, lack of candor about the law and the need for true due process when American's interact with the IRS. The greatest abuse being the IRS's and our elected officials refusal to tell the people what law makes them liable to pay the Individual Income tax.
This silence on the part of our elected officials is responsible for the mood of distrust and ever growing suspicion of government at all levels. This is exactly what the IRS hoped to avoid when it came out with the kinder, gentler version of the IRS that we are supposed to have today. You know, customer friendly. Their own mission statement tells us so.
Introduction and Mission: The Internal Revenue Service is the nation's tax collection agency and administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress. Its mission: to provide America's taxpayers with top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.
The problem with the millions of non-filing American's is self-inflicted. The IRS refuses to tell the American people what law makes them liable for the Individual Income tax. I got to tell you folks; this is no minor omission. The government has a duty to inform the people of our obligations under the law; anything less is immoral and un-American. There are four questions that need to be asked and answered for the people to have confidence that the law is being applied correctly.
1. What is the definition of the word Income as used in the Internal Revenue code? Please cite the source of authority? 2. Is the Income tax a Direct tax or Indirect tax?
3. What statute makes me liable for the Individual Income Tax? (Please cite statute and corresponding regulation).
4. What form is required by law to pay the Individual Income tax and where does the law say that? (Please cite statute and regulation).
Lets look at the four questions and see why they are important and need to be answered.
1. What is the definition of the word Income as used in the Internal Revenue code? Gross Income, taxable income, adjusted gross income are words defined in the Income tax code. They are a subspecies of the word income. One cannot understand the meaning of these terms without having a definition of the word income. There is no definition of the word income in the income tax code. We want the official definition of the word. (Hint: Income, profit separated from its capital source). Note/ Please do not cite court cases. The executive branch of government enforces the law. What law are you enforcing?
2. Is the Income tax a Direct tax or an Indirect tax? The constitution allows for two types of taxation with specific rules that govern each specie of tax. A direct tax must be apportioned and indirect taxes must be uniform. I know if it's a direct tax that the income tax is not apportioned and if it's an indirect tax it's not uniform. So what is it?
3. What statute makes me liable for the Individual Income Tax? Not one person, lawyer, accountant or tax preparer that I've asked this question can answer it, and I have asked many. Not one. If I called the County Sheriff and asked him what statute would I be violating if I take my neighbors car without asking him, he would say, Wisconsin state statutes § XXXXXXXX Grand Theft Auto. The law can be looked up in a book of Wisconsin state statutes. It is knowable. The same cannot be said about the income tax law. I've looked. Ask a government official the same question and they act as if the law that requires someone to pay the Individual Income tax is classified information. I wonder what they are hiding?
4. What form is required by law to pay the Individual Income tax and where does the law say that. Government agencies promulgate rules governing its interaction with the public in accordance with the laws passed by congress. They are published in the Code of Federal Regulations. This one should be easy for the IRS. So what say you, IRS? We live in a nation where the rule of law governs. I am not against taxes. I understand the government's need for revenue to meet the legitimate functions of government. The legitimate needs of all the people will never be met if the government refuses to meet its obligation to inform us of the laws we are accountable for. Its time to stop playing hide the ball. The American people have a right to answers from their elected officials. You can all help me get the answers to these important questions. I have officially sent a letter to my elected officials and the IRS requesting answers to these questions. I have copies of the letters and this article on my web site at www.rraymond.org. I will pay out of my own pocket the cost of placing the IRS's replies in the paper so you will know the answers and can feel confident that the laws are being applied correctly. Please take part in our effort to get answers to these important questions.
You can help by sharing this information with your friends and family. Lets make sure that every American is aware of this issue. If you can, consider paying to run this article in your local paper. Or make a donation so we can run this article in all the major newspapers around the country.
Thousands of your fellow Americans, your neighbors, are being abused daily without knowing the legal foundation for their abusers actions. Don't let them suffer another day without getting straight answers.
© 2004 -Robert R. Raymond
All Rights Reserved
Robert R. Raymond is the past Independent candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for Wisconsin 's 5th District in the 2002 elections. A political activist for the past eight years he represents the People for Truth in Taxation Organization. He can be reached on his web site www.rraymond.org or by e-mail at rr@rraymond.org. He can also be reach by U.S mail at 10936 North Port Washington Rd #242, Mequon , Wisconsin 53092 or by phone at 414-297-9226.
Republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact. "Silence can be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak, or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading. . . We cannot condone this shocking behavior by the IRS. Our revenue system is based on the good faith of the taxpayer and the taxpayers should be able to expect the same from the government in its enforcement and collection activities." U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F.2d 297, 299. See also U.S. v. Prudden, 424 F.2d 1021, 1032; Carmine v. Bowen, 64 A. 932

Stealing Potato Chips
By Sherry Peel Jackson
When I was a bad little girl, (about 9 years old) I used to steal potato chips from my brother. My mom would buy each of us a bag of chips. The bags were rather small, and when we opened them, the chips sunk down towards the bottom. There were never enough chips in the bag to satisfy my junk food cravings, so I devised a dastardly plan. I would leave the room with my chips and hide the bag. Next, I would go to my brother, who was only 5 years old, and ask him to share his chips with me. I would put on the sad face and be the sweet big sister. Inevitably, I would help him eat his bag of chips, then go hide in my room and eat my bag of chips alone.
My scheme is not new. It has been used on the American people since 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve, with the blessings of the government, creates money out of nothing. Then they distribute this fiat money to the government and the banks to pass on to the hard working American citizen. The American citizen, like my brother, has no idea that he is being hoodwinked. He/She spends hours working for his/her family, only to have worked for the Federal Reserve System all the way through May of each year, giving over their labor to the IRS, the bouncers of the Federal Reserve club.
The Federal Reserve hides their bag of chips in foundations, trusts and other business entities so that their children’s children will never have to work a day in their lives. They take your chips and use them to influence the governments and leaders of other countries.
For example, the Constitution of the United States of America says that we are not supposed to take money from “the people” and give it to other countries or use it to influence other countries. However, through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) billions of dollars are sent to over 100 countries to influence their activities. The USA has military troops in over 100 countries making sure that the Federal Reserve owner’s initiatives are carried out.
The Federal Reserve System also uses your chips to influence the education system in America. They give millions of dollars to colleges and universities through their foundations, to influence what is taught in these institutions of “higher learning”. Don’t believe it? Well, several years ago, there was a CBS 20/20 special hosted by Sam Donaldson that proved outright fraud and deception in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools. One example was given where there were over 100 factual errors in one textbook. The most disturbing revelation from this show, however, was the fact that one high school history book contained three lines twice about George Washington, but six and a half pages of information on Marilyn Monroe. Since when did Marilyn Monroe carry more clout that our founding father? Since those with the cash to pay for the books started manipulating the content of the books. It can be concluded that the same re-writing of history is present in the textbooks at colleges and universities also.
Beardsley Ruml, former chairman of the Federal Reserve even admitted, in a speech to the American Bar Association, that income for revenue is obsolete. In his speech, he stated:
Federal taxes can be made to serve four principal purposes of a social and economic character. These purposes are:
As an instrument of fiscal policy to help stabilize the purchasing power of the dollar To express public policy in the distribution of wealth and of income, as in the case of the progressive income tax and estate taxes To express public policy in subsidizing or in penalizing various industries and economic groups To isolate and assess directly the costs of certain national benefits, such as highways and social security.
As you can see, the goal of the Federal Reserve System is total power and control over your life and the lives of everyone on this planet. They plan to continue to create money out of nothing and keep you in bondage while they carry out their worldwide plans. They plan to continue to ensure that the federal reserve note, not backed by gold or silver, is king in the world. They plan to continue to control the governments of foreign countries while our soldiers die by the dozens in these foreign lands.
Will you continue to be a slave? Will you stay a silent sheep? Will you sell your children out to this system or will you spread the word: