Bookstore CD Materials
Library Workshop--Coming This Spring
of The Month
Titles for The Speakers Video Series
Cooking the Books: U.S. Banks are Giant Casinos
Congress Outsourced to India
14-Year Old Seeks Justice In The
Independence Day from
the UNI-GOV Engineers.
Protestors Sued
Per Rank and File IRS Agent: The Fortress Walls ARE
Forbes interviews David
Cay Johnston of NYT on Tax code flaws
America the
Famous Quotes
PC Now Digital

Mel Gibson in movie, The Patriot.

Handy and compact little rule book --order yours today

Gold Prices Up

Patriot Bookstore
CD Materials
Titles for The Speakers Video Series
Cooking the Books: U.S. Banks are
Giant Casinos
Congress Outsourced to India
14-Year Old Seeks Justice In The
Independence Day from
the UNI-GOV Engineers.
Protestors Sued
Per Rank and File IRS Agent: The Fortress Walls ARE
Forbes interviews David
Cay Johnston of NYT on Tax code flaws
America the
Famous Quotes
PC Now Digital
CD Materials
Titles for The Speakers Video Series
Cooking the Books: U.S. Banks are
Giant Casinos
Congress Outsourced to India
14-Year Old Seeks Justice In The
Independence Day from
the UNI-GOV Engineers.
Protestors Sued
Per Rank and File IRS Agent: The Fortress Walls ARE
Forbes interviews David
Cay Johnston of NYT on Tax code flaws
America the
Famous Quotes
PC Now Digital
CD Materials
Titles for The Speakers Video Series
Cooking the Books: U.S. Banks are
Giant Casinos
Congress Outsourced to India
14-Year Old Seeks Justice In The
Independence Day from
the UNI-GOV Engineers.
Protestors Sued
Per Rank and File IRS Agent: The Fortress Walls ARE
Forbes interviews David
Cay Johnston of NYT on Tax code flaws
America the
Famous Quotes
PC Now Digital

Silver and Gold Explained DVD $200"
CD Materials
Titles for The Speakers Video Series
Cooking the Books: U.S. Banks are
Giant Casinos
Congress Outsourced to India
14-Year Old Seeks Justice In The
Independence Day from
the UNI-GOV Engineers.
Protestors Sued
Per Rank and File IRS Agent: The Fortress Walls ARE
Forbes interviews David
Cay Johnston of NYT on Tax code flaws
America the
Famous Quotes
PC Now Digital

Introduction To The Constitution And The
Income Tax DVD $20

Bookstore CD Materials
Titles for The Speakers Video Series
Cooking the Books: U.S. Banks are
Giant Casinos
Congress Outsourced to India
14-Year Old Seeks Justice In The
Independence Day from
the UNI-GOV Engineers.
Protestors Sued
Per Rank and File IRS Agent: The Fortress Walls ARE
Forbes interviews David
Cay Johnston of NYT on Tax code flaws
America the
Famous Quotes
PC Now Digital
Bookstore CD Materials
Clarkson's Independent
Contractor Agreements
Now On CD
Clarkson's famous book, "Independent Contractor Agreements",
has been updated and
revised by master publisher Robert B. Clarkson.
Dr. Clarkson has prepared a series of books on CD for you to further your patriot education.
Dr. Clarkson's unique writing style makes
this material fresh, new and enlightening for business owners looking for a new
and hassle-free approach for the employer-employee relationship.
CD Includes contracts and forms with instructions
for easy printing, plus
a bonus reference CD of the independent contractor laws and codes for the independent
contractor. Order yours today!
was $30 now
just $20.
More titles
available on CD:
2. Kuglin Transcript with exhibits $20 (FedEx pilot Venice
Kuglin's recent smash victory over "failure to file" charges
using patriot arguments regarding tax liability)
3. Marvin Cooley's Audit Block.
This CD shows you how to stop an IRS audit and beat the tax collectors.

Library Workshop
& Clarkson’s Law Course:

Date: May 23-25
Location: Patriot Network Headquarters, 515 Concord
Ave, Anderson SC
Hear and meet the Patriot
leaders and activist in a
relaxed comfortable setting. Learn the new, most
effective methods and procedures for regaining
News & Information you need on the growing Patriot
Movement; updated methods that beat the hated tax
collectors & safeguard freedom; new strategies for the
enemy and us.
Featuring Dr Robert Clarkson, Nelson Waller, Lance
Dickert, RW Moore, and others.
For law library workshop, preparatory materials
include "How to Use Law Library" $20, Law Dictionary
$25, and Clarkson videos/DVD " Legal Research I" and
"Legal Research II" $20 each or audio $10. From Dr
Clarkson, POX 2368, Anderson SC 29621
The law Library classes include information on how to
represent yourself, protect your rights, how the courts operate;
plus how to use a law library,
research and write a legal brief. Trip to Law Library includes
practical exercise on research your own subject, then writing a
brief. Official certificates
for those who complete course (most do).
Location: Patriot Network Headquarters, 515 Concord
Ave, Anderson SC |
Robert Clarkson
been chosen for...
Dr. Robert Clarkson, to the highest degree has greatly
dedicated himself to the cause of liberty, independence, and
Dr. Clarkson assists hundreds of people every
year with their tax issues and government woes. Patriots everywhere know
they can always count on Clarkson to pave the way for them when trouble
Dr. Clarkson has written and published several
books, prepared numerous videos and DVD's and speaks out about countless,
complicated and controversial tax subjects to patriots and
loyalists all over the country.
His commitment to the cause and protests of
tyranny to his fellow patriots has landed him in the court system too
many times to mention. But he always comes out a free man, ready, eager
and willing to help others with their tax related issues.
Thanks to Robert Clarkson for the valuable information
and helpful assistance to the thousands of people he has rescued from
the clutches of IRS bondage.
By assistant editor

Titles For The Speakers Video Series
The independent patriot clubs
are now videotaping the speakers and classes.
This is an independent project of famed
videographer RW Moore, President of the Toccoa Patriots and publisher of
The Truth Newspaper, Inc. The classes are available in videotape and DVD
format for generally $20 and $30 each. The videos are either 1 or 2 hour
New titles available are:
"Lawful Money vs.
Legal Money", Dickert VHS $20 DVD $30
"Privacy and Anonymity", Ken Shields VHS $30
DVD $35
"The IRS out of Control." This is complete audio from the Charlotte IRS office where a person was to have a
hearing and the IRS would not allow the affair to be recorded, despite
the fact that the
law plainly says we can record. VHS only $20
"Bible and Government", Dr. John Cobin VHS
$20 DVD $30
"SC JAIL 4 JUDGES" Paul Davis VHS $20 DVD
- June Griffin. This lady has traveled over 10,000 miles in the past 5
years and gotten over 90 of the 94 counties in Tennessee to post the 10
Commandments. The ACLU will not sue this state, they do not have enough money!
All speakers will have VHS and DVD media.
VHS $20 DVD $30
More Titles Available:
1.Dr John Cobin on "Allodialism and Tax-Free Land Titles."
2. Ken Shields, Spartanburg club leader on "Money and
3. Bob Schulz of We The People Congress "How to Beat The
4. Irwin Schiff on "The Federal Mafia and How To Stop Paying Income
All orders are shipped by Priority Mail. Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery. Add $5.00
for S&H. Order from The Truth Newspaper Inc., 1478 Hwy 106, Toccoa, Ga. 30577,
ph. (706)827-9966

Cooking the Books: U.S. Banks are
Giant Casinos
While media
financial reporters keep the current focus of the public eye on
Martha Stewart, the insolvency of U.S. banks due to their derivative holdings is being swept under the carpet.
Because banks
have not been making a profit from traditional lending, derivatives became a fantastic way for them to net
huge gains by
trying to guess (gamble on) future prices of commodities or stocks. They were
able to take these gambling risks because the Fed
is supposed to back them from losses that would make them
insolvent (more liabilities than assets). The worst part is that
derivative transactions stay off the books and away from the
prying eyes of investors and analysts.
U.S. interest rates
being kept low by the Federal Reserve System (which is neither
Federal nor does it have any intrinsic reserves) is to simply hide the hundreds of $Billions ($100 Billion U.S.
Dollars = $100,000,000,000) of derivative losses and the true insolvency of
U.S. banks. The moment interest rates start to run up, U.S.
banks will be left holding little paper value assets to offset their vast derivative
gambling losses.
U.S. stock markets
are being manipulated to show overall value gains and "profits"
and to keep U.S. banks "paper solvent". In
reality, the public is being conned into thinking that U.S.
banks are still solvent because they show "gains" in
their stock "paper" value. If the U.S. markets were not manipulated, U.S. banks would collapse overnight
along with the entire U.S. economy. U.S. banks are merging with each other
to hide their derivative losses with "paper asset" bookkeeping that incorrectly shows
they are solvent with enough
"assets" to overcome their losses. In reality, this is
smoke-and-mirror accounting, a scam worth $Trillions. U.S.
banks - with the privately owned Federal Reserve System at the helm - have turned into giant casinos by running a
casino economy
that is splintering into vast piles of insolvent firewood. The
kindling was lit in the early 1990's, but now a bonfire is raging with great plumes of
red-ink smoke. Can the Fed and the
Fed-controlled media keep the public from seeing that red smoke
with their manipulative mirrors? If the public would just open
their eyes and wake up, they would see what's really going on,
so here's something to focus your eyes on:
The top 10
U.S. banks with the largest derivatives holdings (estimate based
on OCC Q3-2003 report and updated from news releases since 10/03). Remember, $1
Billion U.S. Dollars = $1,000,000,000.
BANK 33,700 ($33 Trillion, 700
AMERICA -13,800
3 - CITIGROUP - 11,000
- HSBC - 1,043
7 - WELLS FARGO BANK NA - 911 ($911 Billion)
8 - FLEET BOSTON - 494
9 - BANK OF NEW YORK - 496
If you want to get a hint at
how much red ink your U.S. bank casino is swimming in, look at
their latest financial report and keep an eye out for an entry
such as, "adjustment of derivative financial instruments" or "adjustment of non-interest instruments". If they
list such an "adjustment" (most do not), this means they
have written off the losses incurred from their derivative
If you bank with one of the 10 banks listed above,
you can expect worse than the 1986-1990 Savings & Loan bank
collapses when people were unable to remove all or most of their
money from their accounts until years later. This time, you can
expect to lose whatever they claim to "hold" for you
because the FDIC and the Fed have no means to replace the losses with any intrinsic value. (gold or silver).
If you
choose to keep accounts with these U.S. banks, you have just become a high-stakes gambler, and the odds are
stacked against you.
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate
inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything
it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which
is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage
of rule by brute force."
[Ayn Rand, The Nature of

Illegal Astronomy
Protesters Sued
(Disassociated Press, 2003 B.C.)
by Dave K. Jonsun
Today the Department of Astronomy
announced that it has filed suit against three prominent astronomy
protestors for saying that the earth is spherical, rather than flat. The
Department is asking the court to order that the three illegal astronomy
protestors have bamboo inserted under their fingernails until they repent
of their blasphemous hate-speech. According to top officials at the
Department of Astronomy, the argument that the earth is spherical is
"patently frivolous." "If the world were spherical,
everything would slide off," said I.M. Kluliss, Minister of
Information for the Department. In order to educate the public about the
incorrectness of the "round earth" argument, the Department is
warning that anyone caught making such a claim will have their kneecaps
smashed on the spot. (The Department has already removed the tongues of
several "round earth" extremists.) Larkus Rosus, one of the most
prominent advocates of the "round earth" argument, recently had
his hut invaded by Department soldiers, who cut off three of his toes.
"We hope this reasonable response shows the people that Mr. Rosus is
incorrect in his conclusions," explained Mr. Kluliss. Every imperial
court that has reviewed the "round earth" claim has concluded
that it is "without merit," and some have imposed immediate
decapitation for raising the issue. "This is for their own
good," said Judge Gawd Komplex, adding "these people need to be
taught that disagreeing with authority is a bad idea." Many have
criticized the Department for being too lenient in the past when dealing
with these astronomy cheats and scam artists. Former Commissioner of
Terrorism, Charlz Rezotti, stated that "we need to protect the public
from these dangerous ideas, and if the only way to do that is to
exterminate several thousand illegal astronomy protesters, then that's
what we should do." Being the open-minded and objective publication
that we are, we tried to interview some of the extremist, nutcase
"round earth" wackos. We caught up with one such astronomy
protestor, Mr. Thersten Belle, shortly after the courts had ordered that
his tongue be cut out with hedge sheers. He had no comment, proving that
he was lying all along. ------------------------------------- Any
resemblance of the above to actual persons or the names of actual persons
was entirely intentional. If you don't like it, bite me. Sincerely, Larken
Per Rank and File IRS
Agent: The Fortress Walls ARE Cracking
Dear Friends: John Turner, E.A., who spent 10
years as a Revenue Officer in the Collection Division of the IRS, and has courageously lent his voice to the ever-growing
group of
professionals speaking out about the illegal administration and
enforcement of the federal income tax, recently had a very
interesting telephone conversation with an IRS agent (story below). The truth is seeping into the IRS fortress and the
walls are crumbling. Continue to tell ten friends to tell ten friends
to tell ten friends that the federal income tax system IS being
administered and enforced beyond what the law allows and that the American people should not be subjected to such
tyranny by their
own government. A government that claims that it is working to
establish freedom and justice around the world can not simultaneously
be unjustly and illegally extracting money and property from its
own citizens. ***********************
Joe, Yesterday, I received a phone call from a fellow
patriot who revealed
something of interest. I don’t think he will mind me relaying this
information as no information compromising my contact or his acquaintance will be mentioned here.
At the end of his work day
he stopped at a public gathering place (meditating society?) and
found himself at a table of 8 people whom he described as all
“patriots”. My friend said they were discussing the fraud of the
money system and that all at the table knew of it and recognize the
fraud. He said one man at the table reluctantly admitted that he was an IRS employee, that he was aware of the plight
of Dick Simkanin,
and was also aware of Joe Banister, Sherry Jackson, and John Turner.
He said the man didn’t want to admit it but indicated that the
courts are stacked against people, the government won’t allow
evidence (in criminal tax trials, a la Simkanin), knows the system is
corrupt, said that non-compliance is at 17% (not paying taxes)
and that “the word” is getting out. He said the man was nervous
about talking about “these issues” but knows what is going on. It
was implied that his nervousness or reluctance was due to the fact that he is near retirement and would not want
to do anything to
jeopardize his job.
I asked my friend if he thought the man
would be willing to talk with me for a minute. He walked over to
the man and handed the phone to him. The man said, “Hello, Mr.
Turner, how are you?” He did not identify himself to me. I asked if
it was true that he was familiar with Mr. Simkanin and us three former IRS agents and he admitted he was well aware.
I asked him if
he was an enforcement agent and he replied that he was not. I was
hoping that he might reveal a clue as to his background within the
IRS but he did not offer that. He told me that there are a lot
of people unhappy with the tax system, that the tax system we have
needs to go, but that because we need some type of system there will always be something even if the current one is
scrapped. I told
him that we were not against paying taxes, per se, but that we were
against the government being untruthful with the American people about the income tax and couldn’t remain silent
after having
discovered the government deceptions. He said that we are living in
interesting times, that he is very concerned about the shape of our country, and that change is needed. He abruptly
informed me that
it had been nice talking with me and that he had people waiting for
him and needed to go. I thanked him for talking with me and out of courtesy for having a proper “good bye” I asked him
for his
first name. To which he said, “Let me just hand the phone back to
your friend.”
I consider it very nice under the circumstances
that he was willing to speak with me briefly, but I did sense
his uneasiness.
John Turner Former IRS
Revenue Officer

Interviews David
Cay Johnston of New York Times on Tax Code Flaws
What follows is the transcript of a Feb. 11 online chat on
the CEO Network with New York Times reporter David Cay
Johnston, author of Perfectly Legal:
The Covert Campaign to Rig Our
Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat Everybody Else
(Portfolio, $25.95).
The chat was moderated by Mark Lewis of
Mark Lewis: Welcome, everyone. Let's get started.
David, you begin your book with the statement, "I believe
that taxes are at the core of our democracy." What do you
David Cay Johnston: All governments have taxes. And
governments that lose their tax systems cease to exist. Taxes are the
means by which we decide how we're going to finance maintaining
our democracy--who pays how much, how the burdens are distributed. What's wrong with our current tax system?
Most Americans
believe what turns out to be a myth--that we heavily tax the highest-income Americans to subsidize the poor. What the government's
data show is that the middle class and upper middle class--people
making $30,000 to $500,000 per year--are subsidizing the
highest-income taxpayers. Tax rates on the middle and upper middle
classes are rising, the government's data show, but for the people who
make millions per year, effective tax rates are falling dramatically.
Secondly, law enforcement has collapsed. I name two billionaires
who've testified under oath that for 30 years they never filed a tax
return while running a business in New York. Nothing has happened to
them, or to most of the many other people I name in my book who admit
or even brag about not paying taxes.
How did things get this
way? Most Americans, if they ever meet a senator or congressman,
shake their hand in the mall at election time. Important donors,
about one in 850 Americans, get to sit down with their congressman and
explain in detail their grievances. Every politician will tell you,
you cannot buy their vote. All you can buy is access. Well, access has
bought the attention of Congress, so that members are focused on
the needs and welfare of their donors, not their typical
Proof? Two days after 9/11, the first tax bill
introduced in Congress was estate tax relief for the victims, which
did absolutely nothing for the firefighters, police officers,
secretaries and volunteers who died. It wasn't a guaranteed college
education for the orphans of 9/11. It was tax relief for the very
narrow group, probably less than 2% of those who died, who would owe
estate taxes.
How would you change the tax system? I
don't know, but you do. By "you" I mean that all of us, if we
understand the reality of how our current tax system works and the
principles of taxation, can come up with a better system, one that
encourages strivers and rewards those who play by the rules
instead of focusing its benefits on those who are already stunningly
You direct numerous barbs at the "super-rich,"
whom we at Forbes like to celebrate as wealth-creators. Do you think
the tax system should be designed to prevent the amassing of great
The tax system should be encouraging prosperity and
wealth, and making sure those are as widespread as possible. But what
the government's data show is that we are taxing away the ability of
the middle class to save, and damaging their prosperity. And by
radically lowering the effective tax rates of the highest-income
Americans, we are concentrating wealth and income very, very, very
In 1970, the top 1/100th of 1% of Americans had about
1% of the income. And the bottom third of Americans had more than 10%
of the income. Now, they're equal. Just 27,000 people have as much
income as the bottom 96 million Americans, who in real terms have less
income today than in 1970. And the number of people it takes today to
account for 1% of all income? In 1970 it was more than 20,000 people.
Today it's less than 400.
How high would the top rate be in your
tax system? Again, I don't know. What we do know is that
relatively lower marginal rates reduce tax cheating, but for them
to work, we have to broaden the tax base. We only tax about half of
income each year. So if we tax all income, clearly we could
significantly lower rates on everyone.
What do you think Congress
should do about the Alternative Minimum Tax? The taxpayer
advocate at the IRS recommends repeal. The problem is, some really
good tax lawyers say that would create new loopholes. Some other ways to address this are to set a high-income threshold for the tax to
apply, say $500,000 per year and up, and eliminate, in the AMT
calculations, the ordinary deductions and exemptions people take for
themselves, their spouses, their children, their state and local
income and property taxes, and the standard deductions. Otherwise, in
2013 about 43 million households will be on the AMT.
In this
morning's New York Times you write about a gentleman named Irwin Schiff,
who asserts that the federal income tax is illegal and does not have to be paid. Schiff clearly is an extreme case, but how deeply do
Americans in general resent the current tax system? Can that
resentment be harnessed to support the reforms you advocate?
The number of people who believe that the United States government is
a criminal organization that illegally extracts income taxes and
imprisons those who challenge it with no legal cause is a lot bigger
than I ever imagined. There are at least 7,500 business owners who
don't withhold taxes and turn them over, according to the General
Accounting Office--and those are just the ones the government knows
about. There are people all over the country who grit their teeth and
pay their taxes but subscribe to this dangerous and nutty idea that
the federal government is a criminal organization. That's a sign of
how oppressive the tax system has become on the bottom third of
Americans whose incomes in real terms have been falling for years,
while they're being squeezed by rising taxes at all levels of government.
Every thoughtful American should be concerned
when a man whose own psychiatrist says he's crazy--Irwin Schiff--has
among his supporters business owners and others who are not on the
economic fringe.
Any final thoughts? The promise of our
Constitution is that we together can work out the solutions to our
problems. But doing that requires that, one, people understand what's
actually happening in our tax system rather than the blather of
politicians, and two, that people participate as voters and as citizens who discuss public issues with their friends and neighbors.
The reason our tax system is out of whack is that the narrow segment
of very high-income people who don't want to pay taxes has been
actively engaged in exercising their citizenship. And too many of the
rest of us have been watching Jennifer Lopez.
Washington DC - Citing the growing cost of running the Federal government
and the need to cut costs in order to reduce the budget deficit, President
Bush announced today that he was laying off all 535 members of Congress
and transferring lawmaking operations to a legislative support center in
Bangalore, India.
"Hey, outsourcing is the way to go
these days," said Bush at an impromptu news conference where he
announced the decision, adding, "the American people want to see less
government waste. Since every one of those ex-Congressmen had a salary
of $150,000, this move will cut our costs by over $80 million per
year, and that's not even counting what we'll save on health insurance
and retirement plans."
Sources indicate that the Indian replacements
will be paid approximately $250 per month. The outcry from the newly
laid-off Senators and Representatives was swift. Ex-California Senator
Diane Feinstein said, "This is absolutely outrageous. How can a bunch
of replacements over in India run Congress? What do they know about
filibusters and committee hearings?"
As she was being escorted out of the Hart Senate
Office Building by US Capitol Police officers, Feinstein complained that
the newly terminated lawmakers were only given ten minutes to clean out
their desks and leave the building.
"I think it's a great idea," said
Vice President Dick Cheney, speaking from a secure undisclosed location.
"The American people were fed up with that expensive do-nothing
Congress which didn't always give the President everything he asked for.
Our new Indian replacements will be much cooperative to the President,
which is what we all want."
Asked whether the outsourcing is
constitutional, Cheney noted, "That's up to the Supreme Court
to decide, but as you know, they usually see things our way."
The new members of Congress seem thrilled with
the attention they are receiving. Speaking from the offices of All-India
Legislative Support Centre Ltd. in Bangalore, new Mississippi Senator
Ramchandra Shektar Gupta told reporters, "The Indian people are very
hard working and we will do our best as US Congressmen and Congresswomen.
And we are going to have some fun too. Just think: we have $2 trillion of
the American taxpayers' money to spend!
By Anonymous

Fourteen year old,
Seeks Justice
In The Courtroom
Fourteen-year-old Alex Navarro seeks justice in the
courtroom. Hopefully, with your help, Alex will achieve his goal. He is
reaching out to the American citizens to inform them of their jury
rights and obligations. It is his aspiration to inform one million
people exactly what the duties, rights, obligations and responsibilities
are of being a juror.
Alex who lives in Queensbury, New York is
currently working on his Eagle Scout project for the Boy Scouts. Upon
completion of this educational project he will have achieved the highest
rank in the Boy Scouts of America.
A requirement of the eagle rank is completing a
community service project. While other boys are tackling to rebuild
playgrounds and rickety buildings for their projects, Alex has chosen to
seek justice in our courtrooms. Let's support Alex!
We can all help Alex Achieve his goal by
visiting his website at

Independence Day from the
UNI-GOV Engineers.
The six of them sat around the fire, watching the flames dance in the
darkness, fighting back the evening chill. It had been a long day of
hunting - but productive. The youngest had gotten his first deer,
and two other kills ensured a good supply of venison for the family.
Talk of the hunt had dwindled and all now stared into the dying flames
without speaking.
"Father", one of the older boys asked,
"Was it like this when you were my age?" The two adults
looked at each other, then gazed back into the flames. "No son,
not exactly." "Why not?" "Well, when I was your age,
there was a war on." The youngsters stirred, then settled in more
comfortably. That their father had played a part in the war for liberty
always made them proud. Each retelling brought new details, and each young
man imagined what role he might have played if he had been alive in those
"I was about your age when the
shooting started in what turned out to be the great war for
independence. The government had been pushing the people, taxing
them heavily, ignoring their rights. There were even incidents where the
government troops had massacred innocent people, and the government abuses
were getting worse all the time." He stopped and prodded the fire, sending
a shower of sparks skyward. After a thoughtful moment, he continued.
"The people took it for a long time. Longer,
perhaps, than we should have. Even when the fighting broke out, there were
a lot of people who were against it. The government was uneasy with us
rebels always agitating for better representation and complaining about
taxation. Of course, we were uneasy about the government too, so we
organized into militia groups that could respond at a minute's notice to
any alarm. We all agreed we would have arms and ammunition in case things
got bad. And eventually, they did.
"The day finally came when the
government actually tried to take our guns and ammunition. Sent troops
marching right into the city to seize them." "And that's when
the shooting started?", asked the youngest. His father nodded his
head slowly and spoke in an absent voice. "Yes. That's when the
shooting began. None of you were even born then. Some have called it the
shot heard round the world, but I wish it hadn't come to that. A lot of
good people died on both sides. But it couldn't be helped. The government
had passed laws saying we could not have guns within the city limits. They
had a list of places where they thought arms were stored, and they sent
the government troops to seize them." "But you were ready,
father?" "Yes son, we were. We knew the government troops were
coming. And we knew that the time had come to stop
"They marched in like they thought they
owned the place. We could see their breath in the cold night air and hear
the crunch of snow under their boots. They marched right out in the open,
as if they didn't have anything to worry about. We hid and waited until
just the right moment, then opened up on them with everything we had. We
killed many of them and wounded many others, then we melted away like
spirits into the night. The government called up reinforcements, but they
didn't know who we were. Word of our daring spread quickly, and we soon
found our ranks swelling with other citizens who believed in the cause of
liberty and wanted to fight along side of us."
"We came damned close to losing. The
government of course had professional troops not only the military, but
foreign troops imported just to fight us. Mercenaries. We almost missed
our last chance to remove the boot of tyranny from our necks, to
throw off the heavy yoke of unconscionable taxation. We almost lost our
last chance to be free."
"But then the militia began to catch up with
the politicians who were behind the heavy taxation and the attempt to
disarm the citizens. In one night, all four senators from California and
New York - all of whom had worked so hard to disarm the people - were
caught and executed - by firing squad. In rapid succession, more than 27
congressmen, and another 13 senators were tried for treason and
"And that's when things got really
interesting. The House was composed largely of people sympathetic to the
cause of freedom, but there were so many traitors in the senate that if they'd
all been killed, there wouldn't have been a quorum, so some of them
were frog-marched into session for a series of votes. In a period of 24
hours, Congress repealed all gun control laws, the entire IRS code, all
illicit drug laws, eliminated the entire drug interdiction system
and defunded 90% of all Federal government agencies. HUD, BATF, FBI, EPA -
all gone overnight. We withdrew from the United Nations and gave all U.N.
delegates 24 hours to get out. Then we eliminated all foreign aid.
The last item was approving the new budget -
which came in at just under $100 billion. Then we took the traitors out
onto the front lawn and executed them. The next day, we dynamited the U.N.
building. Brought it right down in one huge pile of dusty rubble."
"All those blue helmets we'd been
shooting at, along with the vehicles and arms and the foreign troops who
carried them were surrendered to us. Some units decided to fight on,
and they were hunted down and destroyed. We shipped the captured U.N.
soldiers home - stripped to bare skin and packed into the hold of a cargo
ship. They took nothing with them but water, oatmeal and enough fuel to
get them to Africa."
"We bought our freedom with blood.
Over 300,000 men died in the fighting before it was all over."
"We thought the rest of the world might go crazy, but it didn't.
Sure, the stock markets took a pounding for a little while, but since we
had already announced a return to the gold standard, the market actually
rebounded and stabilized in less than a year." "The president
signed every one of the new bills into law and gave a speech about the
power of the people, freedom and the first Declaration of Independence.
As Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, one of his last acts was
to impose a uniform standard of fitness on all branches of the military.
Twenty-three percent of the military was discharged within the week for
lack of fitness. He then instituted a policy providing for a confidence
vote of the officers by the men - resulting in the ouster of more
than 75% of the general staff. Those officers who had been playing
politics at the expense of military readiness were discharged without
retirement benefits. A few were court-martialed for treason and shot.
Thirty days later, the president resigned."
"Some thought other countries would
see the drive for liberty and the decline in military numbers as an
opportunity to attack U.S. interests. Some actually tried. They were
punished with a fury that hasn't been seen since the U.S. flash-broiled
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One particularly belligerent country lost over a
hundred thousand troops in a single afternoon - but they were warned and didn't
heed the warning. After that, no one dared to mess with the USA. Our
forces were meaner and leaner than ever, and they weren't under the
control of a commander-in-chief who owed his presidency to foreign
interests. Military morale was at an all-time high. Enemies and allies
alike just hung onto their seats with knuckles turning white while we
cleaned house and restored freedom and everyone waited to see how it would
all turn out."
"With their pay cut by 75%, their
perks and status gone, many of the remaining members of Congress hung
their heads and went home. They knew that they had failed to fulfill their
oath of office and that their greedy dreams of power were over. Some found
real jobs. Others committed suicide. A few, some of the good ones, stayed
on and began the rebuilding process, but most of the vacancies weren't
filled for a couple of years. A lot had fled for fear that they might be
called to account for past votes."
"We found out we didn't really need a
federal government - not like we thought we did. Even the poor were better
off. Americans discovered real charity again, and communities began to
pull together. People could begin to see that their neighborhoods were
really theirs... not something on loan from the Federal government.
Sure, a lot of welfare bums had to get jobs. I didn't
shed any tears over that. Some of the mothers who kicked their husbands
out found life considerably changed. There were no more government
payments, and the state stopped enforcing alimony. Some ran short on food
until they learned to go to the local church and ask for it. They seemed
shocked at the idea that they were no longer entitled to a living. But
they adjusted."
"Americans rediscovered freedom and
liberty, and vowed they would never again let their government rule
them. Eventually Congress rebuilt. In its new trimmer form, it was
something of which the Founding Fathers might have been proud. And the
idea of being a career politician? It sort of got lost along the way.
These days people seem to understand that politicians serve for the good
of the country, not the good of the politician."
"The general tension in the country subsided
quickly. New laws were passed that made the person who filed a bad faith
law suit responsible for all costs, plus damages, and for the first time,
courts started awarding those damages. A lot of lawyers wound up standing
in soup lines. Can't say it hurt my feelings any. Medical costs plummeted.
Do you know how much doctors used to have to charge just to get insurance
coverage for unfounded malpractice claims?!
When all the minorities and hyphenated
Americans realized that they weren't going to be compensated for hurt
feelings, they quit agitating and made a greater effort to be part of
society, instead of trying to tear it apart. Jackson and Sharpton finally
got on the boat and went back to Africa. Seem to recall one of them was
killed when an angry mob strung him up."
"Entire segments of the insurance industry
collapsed as people realized that they didn't need coverage for the
imaginary ills of others. This by itself brought a measure of freedom.
People weren't afraid to have a party and invite friends over. It seems
hard to believe now that there was once a time when someone who drank too
much could blame the person who served him for injuries sustained in an
accident, but it s true!"
"Law schools went into deep decline.
To be sure, there was still a need for lawyers. But the practice of
shunning came back into vogue and nowhere was it practiced with more ardor
than when shunning a lawyer who served himself above his
"The media giants staggered. The
Federal government began charging for the use of the People's airwaves and
contributing the charges towards the cost of running the country. With the
reduced government, and the charge for use of public resources, the need
for Federal taxes disappeared." "There were a lot of changes.
The Feds were barred from keeping records on law- abiding Americans.
Social Security paid out what was owed to the people who contributed, and
then it was shut down. We were free to plan for our own futures."
"But that first engagement - that was
the day we looked back on as the day our freedom began anew. That frosty
night, as we waited on the roof tops and behind the trash dumpsters for
the U.N. troops to come and try to take our firearms. We declared our
independence in .30 caliber lead."
Stirring from deep thoughts, the man's wife
looked with respect and affection at the grizzled old man who was her
husband and her hero. "Of course, they rewrote the Second
Amendment", she said, "It wasn't the same back then. They added
a line. Before the war for independence started, the Second Amendment
said, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a
free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be
infringed." It wasn't until 2011 or so that they added, "Any
person who questions this right in a legislative body may be shot without
The change was enacted exactly four years
after that first encounter with the U.N. troops, on the day when ordinary
citizens took their firearms into the Nation's capital and came back with
our freedom... Independence day, September 6, 2007."
"You know," the father said, "I
was just thinking. In all of human history, there was never before a
country like ours. We were given a gift of incalculable value by men in
1776, and in a little over 200 years, we nearly ruined it. I wonder how
long it will be before people start to let their rights slip again? How
long will it be before they forget again, the price that was paid for
their freedom?"
There was no answer but the slow crackling of the
dying embers.
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does
oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains
seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most
aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting
victims of the darkness." - Justice of the Supreme Court, William O.

America the Unfree
by Paul Craig Roberts
The Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal's
tenth annual Index of Economic Freedom pulls the wool over our
eyes. The deception is unintentional and arises from a fatal flaw in
the index.
The index delivers the comforting conclusion that
the US is the 10th most free country, far ahead of 155th ranked
North Korea. However, the index ignores the simple truth that people
who do not own the product of their labor are not free. People
subject to an income tax do not own the product of their labor.
Our Founding Fathers understood this. Indeed, historically
the very definition of freedom has been self-ownership. Serfs and
slaves are not free, because they do not own their labor.
Any American who thinks he owns his labor can test
the proposition by
refusing to pay his income tax. He will quickly discover that he is
not a free person.
The Heritage index is ahistorical. It is
blind to the enormous loss of freedom in the 20th century, especially in the US and the UK. It takes as its
starting point the
re-enserfment of populations and predicates a "freedom"
index on unfree labor.
This extraordinary failing reduces a
valuable study to a propaganda device.
Compare an American
taxpayer's situation today with that of a 19th century American
slave. Not all slaves worked on cotton plantations. Some with marketable skills were leased to businesses or
released to labor
markets, where they worked for money wages. Just like the wages of
today's taxpayer, a portion of the slave's money wages was withheld. In those days the private owner, not the
received the withheld portion of the slave's wages.
in that situation were as free as today's American taxpayer to choose
their housing from the available stock, purchase their food and
clothing, and entertain themselves.
In fact, they were
freer than today's American taxpayer. By hard work and thrift, they
could save enough to purchase their freedom.
No American
today can purchase his freedom from the IRS.
Slaves could
also run away. Today, Americans who run away are pursued to the far
ends of the earth. Indeed, the IRS can assert its ownership rights
for years after an American gives up his citizenship and becomes
a citizen of a different country. The IRS need only claim that the
former American gave up his citizenship for tax reasons.
challenge Heritage and the Wall Street Journal to initiate a broader
index of freedom, one that not only includes self-ownership, but also
the Bill of Rights that defines our civil liberties and the 14th Amendment that insists on equality before the law.
Such an index
would reveal that the US is a stunningly unfree country. The lowest
federal tax rate in combination with the Social Security and Medicare tax confers serf status upon lower income
groups. The top
tax rate, federal and state, converts successful Americans into
government's slaves.
The protective principles in law that
ensure our civil liberties - no crime without intent, no bills of attainder, no retroactive law, the
attorney-client privilege, no
self-incrimination - have been eroded beyond recognition. Wars
against the Mafia, drug dealers, child abusers, and terrorists -
accused whose convictions are thought necessary at all costs - have
eviscerated the Bill of Rights. Today not even multi-billionaires can fight off prosecutorial frame-ups.
Americans believe that
they are free until they encounter the "justice" system, at
which time they learn that they are as helpless as medieval serfs.
The "civil rights revolution" destroyed equality
before the law. Today rights are race- and gender-based. We have
resurrected the status-based rights of feudalism. The new privileges
belong to "preferred minorities" rather than noble
Neoconservative delusion that America has a monopoly
on virtue and the right to impose American values on the world
prevents a realistic look at the deplorable state of freedom in
America today. It is a paradox that a country that has abandoned
freedom and re-enserfed its population sees itself as role model
for the world. January 28, 2004
Dr. Roberts
is John M. Olin Fellow at the Institute for Political Economy, Senior
Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute. He is
a former
associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and a former assistant
secretary of the U.S. Treasury. He is the co-author of The Tyranny of
Good Intentions. Copyright © 2004 Creators Syndicate

Famous Quotes
It is also not entirely unworthy of observation, that in declaring what shall be the supreme law of the land, the constitution
itself is first mentioned; and not the laws of the United States
generally, but those only which shall be made in pursuance of the constitution, have that rank. Thus, the particular
phraseology of the constitution of the United States confirms
and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all
written constitutions, that a law repugnant to the constitution
is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are
bound by that instrument." Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)
[Landmark ruling by PN associate Nelson Waller's 4th
great-grandfather, Chief Justice John Marshall.]

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