(Collection Due Process Hearing)


All the information and tactics you need to win your Collection Due Process Hearing

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  3. Earnest Letter Writing and Sneaky Lawyer Tricks - CD Text $30 Shows you how to fend off bureaucrats and protect the record.
  4. How to Beat the IRS - Dr. Clarkson speech on successful and proven methods – DVD $20

All of these for $120, including S&H. This is normally a $150 deal!

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Instructions for this section of the website.

The information in this section can be very useful to you. Follow the instructions—it is a lot easier than you think.

  1. Everything is designed for easy, quick use by a pro se litigant. We have more than 30 years of assisting the self-represented in tax and court cases. Everything on this website has been tested and proven effective unless noted otherwise.
  2. The pleadings and letters are designed for you to personalize and use. The initial petition and some letters are designed for you to use by only changing your name at the top and the bottom, plus the dates.
  3. The initial papers are designed for you to conform them, quickly to your case and file to meet the deadlines.
  4. Do not change these types of pleadings at all, or without consulting Dr. Clarkson. The preformatted papers only need a minimum of changes.
  5. Do not worry: there is plenty of typing and other work for you to do later. The no-change-papers do not need much work, except to alter the participants and the dates.
  6. After the initial papers are filed, then the motions and most letters are to be used as a guide so that you can do your own work. Read several to get a feel for what you need to do in your case.
Table of Contents
  1. Ready to use forms plus instructions:
    1. Clarkson's instructions for NEW blank CDPH Form
    2. Sample NEW CDPH form
    3. NEW blank CDPH form with IRS instructions (typable PDF file)
    4. Attachment to CDPH Form
    5. Indigence Letter
    6. Petition to File in Tax Court
    7. Petition for Re-Determination on Notice of Determination
    8. Request to Agency to Remove Levy on Failure of CDPH
  2. Cases We've Won--Magnificient Clarkson Victories
    1. Noel's Face to Face Hearing
    2. Tax Court Rules In-person Hearing is Mandatory
    3. Circuit Court Rebukes District Court and DOJ in Atlanta
    4. Shell's Response to CDP Hearing
    5. Marett Order for Face to Face Hearing
    6. Patriot pro se beats DOJ in Circuit Court on CDPH Appeal
    7. Guido's Great Victory!
    8. Paul's Victory
    9. John and Trudy's Victory
    10. Beverly's Great Victory (10 out of 10!)
    11. Vidya's Victory
    12. Noel Whips Them Again!
    13. Statement on Face-to-Face Conference
  3. The Recall and Substitute Letter
    1. Best Recall and Substitute Letter
    2. Recall and Substitute Letter
    3. The Recall Letter
    4. Current Recall Letter
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  1. Response to Appeals Division Letters
    1. New Response to Appeals Letter
    2. Beverly's Second Response to Appeals on CDPH
    3. Scott Patriot's Response to Appeals Decision
    4. Second Response to Appeals
    5. Reply to Appeals Division
    6. Response to Appeals Letter
    7. Response to Appeals on Missing Request Form
    8. Alternative CDPH Response Letter
    9. David Patriot Alternative CDPH Response Letter
    10. Third Response to Appeals
  2. Appeals from Tax court to Circuit Court
    1. Notice of Appeal
    2. Petition for Stay to Tax Court Judge
    3. Proposed Order for Tax Court Judge
  3. Response to Trash Letter
    1. Response to Trash Letter
    2. Second Response to Appeals "Trash Letter"
    3. Another Response to "Trash Letter"
    4. Response to Appeals on Recall Letter
    5. Best Response to "Trash Letter"
  4. New provisions to add to letters and petitions
    1. Requirement of Record of Assessment
  5. Instructions for CDPH Conference
  6. CDPH Appeals in Tax Court:
    1. Suing in Tax Court:
      1. Petition for Re-Determination of Notice of Determination on CDPH
      2. Supplement to Tax Court Petition (Recall Letter)
      3. Supplement to Tax Court Petition (Best)
      4. New Law on CDPH
      5. Filing and Indigent Cover Letter
      6. TC's Indigency Application for Waiver of Filing Fees
    2. Discovery
      1. Generic Request for Admissions
  7. Cases in Tax Court
    1. Trudy's CDPH Appeal
      1. Trudy Patriot's Petition of Re-Determination
      2. Trudy Patriot's Reply to Answer
      3. Trudy Patriot's Status Report of CDP Hearing
    2. Scott's CDPH Appeal
      1. Petition for Re-Determination of Notice of Determination on CDPH
      2. Supplement to Petition for CDPH
      3. Response to Threat of Summary Judgment
      4. Scott's Pre-Trial Memo
      5. Scott's Request for Informal Discovery
      6. Stipulations by Petitioner
      7. Scott's Opposition to Motion for Penalties
      8. Scott's Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      9. Scott's Motion for Penalties against District Counsel
    3. Wayne Patriot's CDPH Appeal
      1. Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      2. Supplement to Tax Court Redetermination
      3. Wayne Patriot's Status Report
      4. Response to IRS Status Report
      5. Wayne's Settlement Letter
    4. Chris Freeman
      1. Supplement to CDPH Appeal
    5. Ernie Patriot §6320 case on NFTL
      1. Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      2. Supplement to Tax Court Petition
      3. Motion for New Trial
      4. Supplement on Civil Penalty Adjudication
      5. Opposition to Motion to Dismiss
      6. Ernie's Pre-Trial Memo
      7. Ernie's Supplement to Petition on a Lien
      8. Ernie's Opposition to Summary Judgment and Penalty
    6. Janet A. Patriot's Case
      1. Janet's Opposition to Government's Motion
      2. Janet's Supplement to CDPH Petition
      3. Janet's Motion for Leave to File and Amended Petition
      4. Janet's Motion to Vacate
    7. William Freeman's §6330 Case inTax Court
      1. Motion for Continuance for Slow Stipulations
      2. Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      3. Supplement to Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
    8. Vilas Freeman's Case
      1. Recall and Substitute Letter
      2. Supplement to Petition for Lien and Levy Action
      3. Answer to petition by CIR
      4. Answer to Amended Petition by CIR
      5. Answer Letter and Informal Discovery DC
      6. Informal Discovery Letter to IRS/DC from Patriot
      7. Supplement to Petition
      8. Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      9. Vilas' Reply to Answer
      10. Motion for Re-Hearing En Banc
      11. Motion for Re-Hearing En Banc REFILED
      12. Vilas' cover letter on Motion
      13. Motion to Vacate Judgment and Rehearing en-banc
      14. Vilias' Notice of Appeal
      15. Opposition to Motion to Dismiss Appeal
      16. Sur Reply on Motion to Dismiss Appeal
      17. Vilas Reply Brief
    9. Vidya Freeman's Case
      1. Vidya Freeman Supplement to Petition
      2. Vidya's Reply to Answer
      3. Reply to Answer to Supplement
      4. Answer to Amended Petition by CIR
      5. Pretrial Memorandum
      6. Letter to Judge—Husband to Represent Wife
      7. Request to Change Location of Hearing
      8. Motion for Continuance
      9. Motion to Change Venue (under rule 140c)
      10. Motion for Husband Representation
      11. Victory Order
    10. Guido Patriot's Case
      1. Supplement to Petition
      2. Motion for Summary Judgment
      3. Confirmation Letter
      4. Motion for Reconsideration of Order
      5. Addendum to Motion for Reconsideration of Order
      6. Objection to Motion to Remand
      7. Statement in Lieu of Attendance at Hearing
      8. Guido's Tax Court Victory (Article and Order)
      9. Motion for Rehearing en banc
      10. Letter to Postpone Hearing (to Appeals June 8, 2007)
      11. Letter to Postpone Hearing (to Appeals June 16, 2007)
      12. Letter To Appeals (June 23, 2007)
      13. Letter to IRS Attorney (June 26, 2007)
      14. Supplement to Notice of Determination
      15. Status Report
      16. Guido's Response to Supplemental Notice of Determination
      17. Judge's Order-Motion en-banc Denied (August 13, 2007)
      18. Petitioner's Motion for Interlocutory Appeal
      19. Petitioner's Notice of Appeal
      20. Guido's Motion for Continuance
      21. Pre-Trial Memo
    11. Susan Guido's Case
      1. Susan's Supplement to Petition
    12. Daniel Patriot's Case
      1. Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      2. Response to Appeals
    13. Patriot Paralegal Sheri's Case
      1. Supplement on Face to Face
    14. Paul Freeman's Case
      1. Supplement to Petition on Recall Letter
      2. Amended Petition
      3. IRS objection to Paul's Motion for Remand
      4. IRS Motion to Remand
      5. Order for Motion for Leave Granted (July 19)
      6. Order for Remand—Magnificent Victory! (Aug 13)
      7. Paul's Status Report
      8. Status Report by CIR
    15. Ted Patriot's Case
      1. Ted's Final Motion
      2. Notice of Objection to Ted's Motion to Vacate
      3. Ted's Reply to Objection to Motion to Vacate
    16. James Patriot's Case
      1. James Patriot's Motion for Reconsideration
    17. David Patriot's Case
      1. David's Supplement to CDPH Petition
      2. David's Petition for Stay
      3. Motion to Vacate
      4. Memorandum in Support of Motion to Vacate
      5. Memorandum Opinion
      6. Motion for Extension of Time
      7. Informal Appeal Brief
      8. Second Appeal Brief
      9. Appendix to Brief
      10. Cover Letter for Reply Brief
      11. Reply Brief
      12. David's Rehearing to Fourth Circuit
    18. Warren Patriot's CDPH Case on $500 Penalty in Federal Court
      1. Answer by IRS
      2. Answer by IRS to Supplement to Petition
      3. Reply to IRS's Answer
      4. Letter for Pre-Trial Meeting
      5. Status Report
      6. Motion for Summary Judgment
      7. Opposition to Cross Motion For Summary Judgment
      8. Warren's Pre-Trial Memo
      9. Stipulations
    19. Noel Patriot's Case
      1. Pre-trial Memorandum by IRS
    20. Sheri Patriot's Case
      1. Sheri's Supplement to Petition
      2. CIR Answer to Supplement
    21. Gary Smith's Case
      1. Motion To Reinstate and Motion To Vacate
    22. Charles Patriot
      1. Supplement to Petition for Re-Determination of NOD
      2. Pre-Trial Memo
      3. CP's Reply to Answer
    23. Beverly's Case
      1. Petition for Re-Determination of Notice of Determination
      2. Supplement Petition for Re-Determination of Notice of Determination
      3. Response to Appeals
      4. Reply to Answer Part I
      5. Reply to Answer Part II
      6. IRS Answer to Supplement
      7. Beverly's Pre-Trial Memo
      8. Beverly's Stipulations of Facts
      9. Abatement Letter from IRS
      10. Judges Order of Abatement
    24. Harry's Case
      1. Tax Court Supplement
      2. Petitioner's Objection to Motion to Dismiss
      3. Motion for Reconsideration
      4. Harry's Notice of Appeal
      5. Petition for Stay Pending Appeal
    25. Marian's Case
      1. Marian's Supplement to Petition
      2. Reply to Answer
      3. Reply to Answer to Amended Petition
      4. Marian's Motion for Change of Venue
      5. Marian' case remanded
    26. Dennis's CDPH Case on Missing Form
      1. Notification to Appeals of Missing CDPH Form
      2. Reiteration of Missing CDPH Request Form
      3. Response to Trash Letter
      4. Refusal of Equivalency Hearing
      5. Demand for Hearing Letter
      6. Response to Decision
    27. Lee Roy Freeman
      1. Decision Letter
      2. Motion for Extension of Time
    28. Richard L. Patriot
      1. Motion for Reconsideration
      2. Motion to Vacate
    29. Debra Patriot
      1. Reply to Answer to Amended Petition
    30. Dr. Robert B.
      1. Recall Letter
      2. Amended Petition for Redetermination of Notice of Deficiency
      3. Motion for Leave to File Amended Petition
      4. Supplement to Amended Petition for Lien or Levy
      5. Motion for Extension of Time
      6. Petitioner's Answer to Gov't Stipulation of Facts
      7. Return Order to Show Cause
      8. Motion for Continuance
      9. Patriot's Return to Show Cause on Stipulations
      10. Motion for Extension of Time
      11. Motion for Summary Judgment
      12. Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      13. Motion for Default Judgment
      14. Motion for Rehearing
      15. Notice of Appeal
      16. Brief on Leave on Amended Petition
      17. Government's Motion to Permit Levy
        1. page 1
        2. page 2
        3. page 3
      18. Order for Rehearing
      19. Stipulation of Facts by Patriot to IRS
    31. John R. Patriot
      1. Petition to Allow Adjudication
      2. Appellate Brief
      3. Request for Rehearing
    32. Gary L.S. Patriot
      1. Supplement to Petition
      2. Supplement to Petition for Re-Determination of Notice of Determination on CDPH
      3. Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      4. Motion for Interlocutory Appeal
      5. Motion to Alter Judgment
      6. Petitioner's Answer to Stipulations
      7. Petitioner's Return to Show Cause
      8. Gary's Motion for Rehearing on Collection Action in Tax Court
      9. Notice of Appeal
      10. Gary's Appeal Brief
      11. Gary's Reply Brief
      12. Gary's Petition for Rehearing en banc
      13. Appellate Record Excerpt
    33. Don Patriot
      1. Supplement to Petition for Re-Determination of Notice of Determination on CDPH
      2. Answer from IRS
      3. Don's Reply to Answer on CDPH
    34. William Patriot
      1. Supplement to Petition for Re-Determination of Notice of Determination on CDPH
      2. William's Motion for Leave to File Amended Petition
    35. John C. Calhoun
      1. Pre-Trial Memo
      2. Stipulations by tax victim
      3. Petitioner's Response to to Admissions
      4. Petitioner's Motion for Summary Judgment
    36. Rabbi Ray
      1. Opposition to Motion to Dismiss
    37. Paul R. Patriot
      1. Paul's Supplement to Petition
    38. Christopher Patriot
      1. Chris' Motion for Leave to File Supplement
      2. Chris' Supplement to Petition
    39. Rick Patriot
      1. Rick's Motion for Reconsideration
    40. Dr. Julie's 941 Case
      1. Julie's Supplement to Petition
      2. Accountant Bob's Affidavit to Support Supplement
    41. Dennis Freeman
      1. Answer to Stipulations
      2. Recall and Substitute letter
      3. Motion to Vacate
      4. Petition for Stay Pending Appeal
      5. Notice of Appeal
      6. Dennis' Reply Brief
      7. Appeal Brief
      8. Appendix to Brief
      9. Informal Brief Form
    42. David and Nancy Patriot
      1. Supplement to Petition
    43. Bill G. Freeman
      1. Supplement to Petition
      2. Notice of Tax Lien
      3. Objection to Motion to Dismiss
      4. Motion for Adjudication
      5. Opposition to Pretrial Memo
      6. Answer to CIR Stipulations
      7. Stipulations by Petitioner
    44. Gregory Patriot
      1. Gregory's Opposition to Motion to Strike
    45. Gary from Ohio
      1. Gary's Motion to Vacate
      2. Gary's Appeal Brief
      3. Transcript of Tax Court Appearance
      4. Appellate Brief
      5. Appeal Appendix
    46. Gary from GA
      1. Gary's Supplement to Petition
    47. Tayra from FL
      1. Second Supplement to Petition
      2. Revised Second Supplement
      3. Request for Leave to Serve Discovery
      4. Patriot's First Request for Admissions
      5. Answers to Admissions Request of Patriot
    48. Enoch Patriot
      1. Request for Settlement
      2. Supplement to Petition
      3. Motion for Leave to File Supplement to Petition
      4. Motion for Change of Venue
      5. Letter to IRS about Frivolous Argument
      6. Motion in Limine
      7. Request for Admissions
      8. Pretrial Memorandum
      9. Article and Order on Enoch's Win!
    49. Terry Lynn Freeman
      1. Motion to Vacate[Not by RBC]
    50. Rhonda Patriot
      1. Congressional Complaint Letter
      2. Petition for Re-determination to CDPH
      3. Supplement to CDPH Petition
      4. Addendum to Motion to Vacate
      5. Reply to Answer
      6. Pre-Trial Order
      7. Informal Discovery
      8. Stipulations by Petitioner
      9. Opposition to Motion for Penalties
      10. Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      11. Petition for Stay Pending Appeal
      12. Order for Stay Pending Appeal
      13. Notice of Appeal
      14. Reply to IRS Response to Motion
      15. Certificate of Interested Person
      16. Motion and Affidavit for Expenses
    51. Henry Patriot
      1. Response to Trash Letter
      2. Henry's Motion for Leave to File Supplement
      3. Henry's Supplement to Tax Court Petition
      4. Henry's Request for Informal Discovery
      5. Henry's Request for Admissions
      6. Letter to Appeals Officer on Administrative Record
      7. Henry's Motion in Limine
      8. Henry's Opposition to Motion in Limine of CIR
      9. Letter to Court Clerk on non-filing of Pro Se Motions
      10. Henry's Pre-Trial Memo
      11. Henry' Response to CIR Stipulations
      12. Henry's Opposition to Pre-Trial Memo of CIR
    52. Glenn Patriot
      1. Recall Letter
      2. Amended Petition
      3. Supplement to Amended Petition
      4. Motion for Extension of Time
      5. Objection to Motion for Summary Judgment
    53. Joe Patriot
      1. Response to Trash Letter
    54. Theodore Freeman
      1. Motion to Change Place of Trial
      2. Motion and Affidavit for Expenses
      3. Motion to Shift Burden of Proof
      4. Opposition to Motion to Compel POD
      5. Response to CIR Request for POD
      6. Ted's Request for POD
    55. Ron Patriot
      1. Motion for Reconsideration
      2. Motion and Affidavit for Expenses
    56. Clovis Patriot
      1. Reply to Answer
      2. Request for Admissions
    57. Richard T.
      1. Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
      2. second motion
  8. Instructions and IRS Positions
    1. General Instructions
    2. New Changes by IRS on CDPH Procedure
      1. Dec 06 Changes by IRS on CDPH Procedure (Aug 06 Requires Adobe Reader.)
      2. New Regulations on Hearings under 6320 Liens
      3. New Regulations on Hearings under 6330 Levies
      4. Dec 06 New Regs Explained - Law Review Article (Requires Adobe Reader.)
    3. Some Q & A on CDPH
    4. CDPH: IRS criteria for hearing Request.
    5. How the IRS Explains CDPH
    6. Information from IRS Counsel on CDPH
    7. Proof of Receipt of NOD
    8. IRS Instructions on Secondary CDPH Notice
    9. IRS' Instructions on Litigation for §6320 and §6330
    10. TIGTA on IRS Compliance with Liens §6320 (2006)
    11. Frivolous Arguments Manual (11/07)
  9. Hearings and Conferences
    1. Your CDPH Conference
      1. Tim's in-person CDP Hearing
      2. Title III: Postponement
      3. Hearing Letter
    2. Certificate of Witness to Court Hearing
  10. The Problems and Issues:
    1. Face to Face Hearing:
      1. Definition of a "Hearing"
      2. In House Hearing:
        Why you are entitled to a face to face collection hearing.
      3. Sample Letter CDPH Hearing
        More reasons why you are entitled to a face to face collection hearing.
      4. Face To Face CDPH (from the IRS)
        More reasons why you are entitled to a face to face collection hearing.
      5. Matters Considered at a Hearing; IRS Reg 26 CFR 301.6320(e)
    2. Tape Recording:
      1. Tape Recordings of Conferences
      2. Keene Case
      3. Article On Keene case
      4. Recording Not Required for Frivolous Arguments
      5. Right to Record Mandates a Hearing
    3. Failure to send NOD
      1. Incorrect Address Brief
      2. Response to Appeal on Incorrect Addresses
      3. Post Office Form for IRS to File on Missing NOD
        1. Clarkson's Instructions on Post Office Form for Missing NOD
        2. Post Office Form
        3. IRM on IRS Procedure on Address Change
        4. Problems and Issues, Incorrect Address
        5. CDPH Notice Left at Your Door (From IR Bulletin 1999-7)
      4. Failure to prove NOD received
        1. RBC Explanation
        2. Calderone
        3. Tatum
      5. Location of Hearing
        1. Katz Case
  11. Schulz II Case and Motions
    1. Schulz II Case: (Requires Adobe Reader)
      Case Cite: 413 F.3d 297(2d)NY), 95 A.F.T.R.2d 2005-3007, 2005 WL 152090
    2. Comments on Schulz II Case
    3. Dr. C.'s Schulz II Brief
    4. Noel Schulz II Brief
    5. John Patriot's Schulz II Brief
  12. The Law on CDPH:
    1. The Statute Law on Levies §6330 (Important. Read carefully.)
      1. 2007 Change to Request Form
        Under the new law, be sure to state the grounds for requesting the hearing. This is already done very well on this website. Read the change in the CDPH law here.
    2. The Regulations on Levies §6330
    3. The Statute Law on Liens §6320
      1. Sherri's Appellant Brief
    4. The Regulations on Liens §6320
    5. Item 21: Verification of the Accuracy of the Tax Liability
  13. Important Cases On CDPH
    1. Important Tax Court case on CPDH.
      (Several important details and quotes.) (Note: needs Acrobat Reader.)
    2. Lee vs. CIR on bad CDPHs
    3. Tax Court Judge Requires In-Person Hearing
    4. Calderone Case
  14. Interesting Commentaries
    1. Article by Diane and the Lee Case
    2. Article on Katz case
    3. More Ways to Beat a CDPH
    4. CPA Explanation of Robinette Case
    5. §6330 is an Exception to the Anti-Injunction Act
  15. Tax Court Cases:
    1. The Orum Case
    2. Montijo v. United States (a most unusual win!)
    3. Tax Court Rules Hearing is Mandatory: Meyers vs. CIR
    4. IRS Violates Bankruptcy Court's Stay: Meadows vs. CIR
  16. Law Review Articles on CDPH:
    1. Determining the Meaning of a Meaningful Collection Due Process, by P. Kesner
    2. How Much Process is Due? I.R.C. Sections 6320 & 6330 CDPH, by D. Cords
    3. Houston Law Review: CDPH Rights, by Leslie Book
    4. University of Cincinnati Law Review: CDPH Judicial Review, by Danshera Cords
    5. Baylor Law Review: The Tax Court's Jurisdiction Over Due Process Collection Appeals: Is It Constitutional? by Diane L. Fahey
  17. Appellate Court Briefs
    1. Patriot T. in Appellate Court
      1. Appellant's Opening Brief
      2. Appellant's Reply Brief
      3. Winning Appellant Decision
      4. Remand
      5. Post-Appeal Return to Show Cause
    2. Warren Patriot's Appellant Case
      1. Warren Patriot Magnificent CDPH Appeals Brief on Hearing & Schulz II
      2. IRS Response to Appeal Brief
      3. Warren's Motion to Dismiss
    3. Sheri Patriot's Appellate Case
      1. Sheri's Brief
      2. Ruling on Jurisdiction
      3. Sheri's Appellant Brief
    4. Harry's Appellate Court Case
      1. Issues Attached to IFP Application
  18. Appeals in U.S. District Court
    [Click here for out-of-date motions and briefs]

Response to CDP Hearing

From: Trudy Shell
510 Shell Lane
Pomaria, SC 29126

July 6, 2006

M G Hallman Settlement Officer
1835 Assembly Street Suite 508
MDP 43
Columbia, SC 29201

RE: Trudy Shell SSN 123-45-6789; John Shell SSN 789-12-3456

Tax Court Docket # 20188-05L. 2002 Tax year

Ms Hallman,

My husband and I came to your office as instructed at 10am on July 5, 2006. Since you picked an early date (due to your office remodeling) rather than going to the end of the month as the Tax Court allowed, we did not have much time to prepare. We received the notice to be there at that set time, just 5 days earlier.

We dispute the tax liability because we didn't have a chance to present our side in Tax Court. We have records of business expenses, deductions, telephone excise tax etc… As we told you many times, we didn't receive the Notice of Deficiency. We keep our letters from the IRS in good order and respond promptly when required. Had we received a 90 day letter, we would have petitioned the Tax Court as the law allows. We requested in our CDPH last year that you present proof that we received the 90 days letters. You have not done so.

On July 5, 2006, you presented to us an e-mail from the post office which did not say or prove that we received the 90 day letters. The Post Office e-mail stated the some type of correspondence was sent from the IRS to our hometown, and not our specific address, on Sept 17, 2004. (Label tracking ID 7105567871)

In the past the IRS has sent notices and letters to us at an incorrect address even though they have our correct address on file. The mail sent to the incorrect address is not always forwarded to us. Congress was concerned that your tax agency frequently sent important notices knowingly to incorrect addresses. Therefore the elected representatives of the people enacted the CDPH law in §6330(c)(2)(B). Your office has failed in its duty and we request this case be sent back to the Audit Division so we can receive a new 90 day letter and have our day in court.

Your agency and/or the Post Office must have filed somewhere, the Return Receipt (the green card) which shows who received the alleged certified letter and what date it was received. Neither agency has furnished that receipt to us; therefore you have not met your burden of proof. Please send us a copy of the Return Receipt. Somebody has it.

We request Audit Reconsideration so we can present our documents and records. Also we request collection alternatives CNC (Currently Not Collectible) status as we are poor and cannot pay the assessment.

The levy is not appropriate because:

  1. The tax liability is not settled.
  2. I request Spousal Relief.
  3. Due to hardship we are entitled to CNC status.
  4. We request other collection alternatives including OIC

If you had not accelerated the date of our CDPH, we would have been able to complete your forms. We request more time to complete the OIC form, the financial statement and tax returns for previous years. We do not appreciate the rough treatment we received when we met with you and the persecution of our witness(s).

Also we expect reimbursement of our large expenses of our Petition to Tax Court following your previous determination to deny us our in-person hearing. The law says (as the tax court pointed out) we are entitled to a hearing. Your denial of our hearing entitlement was harassment and a crude attempt to deny us our rights.


Trudy Shell

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